Have you ever experienced last minute resistance before?
No? Ok, well let me explain.

How to deal with last minute resistance like a pro.
Let’s say you’re at a bar and you’re talking to a hottie. After about 30 minutes of flirting you decide to escalate so that you can take her home.
As the conversation starts to heat up both physically and verbally, she drops a bombshell…
“Woah their big boy… I’m not that type of girl… if you want a slut to just sleep with you should find another girl”
WTF was that?!!
That my friend is her anti-slut defence (ASD) slapping you across the moosh.
Now what the hell do you do now?
Well there are several things you can do… so let me first explain what ASD really is and then I’ll get into the grit of it.
What is last minute resistance and why does it happen?
Basically it’s when a girl you’re hitting on puts up a barrier and stops things from going any further (i.e the bedroom for sex) because she doesn’t want to be seen as a slut by you or her friends.
So she gets defensive and blurts out standard lines to throw you off the scent and to let you know that she needs more work before you get her in the sack.
Essentially you need to build more rapport and gain her trust before laying down the sexual escalation and ramping up the heat again.
5 common things women will say… and how to get around them
So now you know what it is, let’s give you a few examples of anti-slut defence things women will churn out and comebacks you can say to get out of it:
1. I’m not that type of girl
HER: Hey, I’m not that type of girl…
YOU: And I’m not that type of guy, so what are you getting at missy (raising one eyebrow)
2. You just want me for sex
HER: Hang on, you just want me for sex…
YOU: I never use girls for sex… in fact girls often use me for sex which is not cool. I hope you’re not that type of girl are you?? (Looking at her with a slight raised smile)
3. You’re a bad guy
HER: Woah, you’re a bad guy I can tell…
YOU: And you want me to believe you’re a good girl? With those eyes and that dress… I’m a good guy when I need to be ;)
4. I have a boyfriend, so…
HER: …I have a boyfriend sorry…
YOU: Oh really? Me too! However mine let’s me make friends without having to tell people all the time… he’s not that protective you know.
5. I hardly know you
HER: Listen I don’t really know you, it’s all moving a bit too fast
YOU: I agree. I don’t usually do this with girls either… but I kinda feel different around you, more comfortable you know it’s strange.
Rules you should follow when dealing with last minute resistance
- Be persistent – Some women (usually the smokin hot ones) will bust you upside the head with multiple ASD’s. The key is to be resilient and unphased by her silly unconscious social conditioning. Hang in there and she’ll reward you. It’s important to add that you should look for female body language signs that show she IS interested in having sex with you.
- Don’t be emotional – When just starting out with game it’s easy to be overly emotional and take the whole anti-slut defence thing to heart… don’t! She’s just letting you know she’s a good girl (yeah right) so you need to be respectful of that and play the game.
- Work on your comebacks – Quick wit wins this game, knowing how to talk to girls is a skill you should master.. You need to be ready with a comeback for every type of situation you come across, it’s that simple.
Depending on the type of girls you go for you’ll get varying degrees of LMR, so just roll with it when it comes around. As long as you’re focusing on building comfort and rapport with a dash of sexual escalation, spliced with some rock solid self-confidence, it’s all good bro!
WARNING: Last minute resistance is very common and must be treated on a case by case basis. Listen to the woman’s words and actions. If she says no and means it, stop pursuing her.
You should also read:
Be careful, the girl may be immature, as she feels that she don’t know the consequences, or feels that you’ll abuse her trust. Maybe boys have bragged about her later. Show her that you’re trustable, and I MEAN it! No lying, no playing, just be real. I have gotten ASL and LMR, but it was my fault, I was immature and forgot to comfort her, and I was too pushy. Sometimes it’s better to relax and enjoy.
Jason, you tell her (while putting on the condom) “Babe, if our kid escapes from this one, we’re gonna call him Houdini”.
Gambler gave the perfect example of ASD @ work in his first scenario with girl at the bar.
Any guy who says that he never experienced ASD before is either lying or he never escalates with women, thus he’s a passive Beta. ASD is as frequent as LMR.
I love the point 4. XD
These are good points. The best defense against anti-slut defense is to get her so attracted to you that she wants to jump in bed with you. Work on your game and do really well with exciting her emotionally and connecting with her on a deeper level so that she has great sexual desire for you. Women will rarely play games or throw up barriers to men who they want to be led by, dominated by, and fucked by.
I would say, if you find yourself running into ASD very frequently, then the answer is to go back and work on your game and fundamental attractiveness, instead of getting bogged down in more and more “patches” to temporarily fix the problem.
One I keep getting is: I don’t sleep with guys unless I’m in a relationship with them.
I don’t receive the ones mentioned above … So there must be some reason for that. This is with girls I just met that day/night btw…
Great advice as usual :).
I’ve noticed some girls can still have some asd when it comes to escalating even when you get back to theirs. Do these tips apply for then too?
Thanks for all the great advices !!!
What do you say to a girl who doesn’t want to bang because she is afraid of what would happen if she got knocked up?