How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back (Even If She Hates You) – PROVEN METHODS!

How to get your ex girlfriend back

In just a moment, I’m going to show you how to get your ex girlfriend back… so buckle up, because there’s a lot to cover.

But first, here’s what I used to get my girl back and I highly suggest you do the same dude, before it’s too late…

If you recently split up with your girlfriend then you’re probably hurting REAL bad right now. You feel sick to your stomach, with no energy, you can’t be bothered to see anyone and you just want to be left alone.

How do I know this?

Well I’ve been there dude.

I know the pain you’re going through right now and I know that it won’t stop for a LOOOOONG time.

Even if she dumped you months ago… heck even a year ago, that pain… just isn’t going away and it will slowly ruin your life in every way possible unless you do something about it.

Sure you can carry on with your life… bang a few new girls at a party, go out with your friends and try to forget about the girl you lost.

OR you can use proven techniques that thousands of guys are using right now to get their girlfriend back fast.

I’m talking within a few short weeks.

Sound good? Well it is bro.

So let’s get started.

There are a few areas of “getting your ex girlfriend back” which I want to cover, so by all means skip to the section that makes most sense to your current situation.


Situation 1: Straight after a breakup

It’s been a few days, weeks, maybe even a month and the wound is still raw… now what do you do? Well you need to let her know that you’re not messing. Here’s what to do:

  • Understand why she left you – The first step is to understand why she dumped you in the first place dude! What was she saying to you before the breakup? Were there any signs? Did she say why she didn’t like or love you anymore?
  • Leave it at least 2 weeks – Don’t be needy or act desperate, it’s not going to help you. Play your cards close to your chest and don’t contact her for at least 2 weeks. Delete her number if you need to, so you’re not tempted (obviously write it down first).
  • Get back in touch – After a couple of weeks, get in touch either with a text or a Facebook message. Say something friendly, maybe even inject a little humour. Something like “Hey, so I got the job… (yay for me) starting in a week” fancy a celebratory coffee? No kisses or desperate talk.
  • Keep it casual – Always meet up with her in the day for lunch or coffee so it’s casual, like you’re meeting a friend. This will make her think that you’re not sexually interested in her.
  • Meet up again – Keep meeting up with her casually for a few weeks to a few months. Keep the conversations light, friendly and nothing to do with breaking up. Make it look like you’re really happy and moving on with your life.
  • Go in for the kill – After several casual meetups, invite her along on a night out with your friends or say to her that you’re going to be somewhere and she should come along. Then when you see her, you’re both drunk and you can be way more sexual.

The key to remember here is that you’re laying down the important groundwork with the casual meetups.

Then on the night you meet her and you’ve both been drinking, you can be a little more sexual and flirty… then you can drop in a get back together line… “What do you think about us seeing each other again?”.

Situation 2: When she has a boyfriend

This is probably the worst of the bunch, but not impossible to come back from. Let’s say that you broke up, it’s been a few months, maybe even a year and you’ve heard through friends that she’s got a boyfriend (perhaps you even saw it on Facebook which would really suck).

It’s time for you to go into beast mode my friend…

  • Be a better you – It’s time to ditch the old you! Get some new threads, workout at the gym (get the body most women want), eat right and drum some positive thoughts into your head. This will take between 2 and 3 months if you work hard. Make sure you set a schedule and stick to it!
  • Pimp up your Facebook profile – Your Facebook page is a constant message that your closest friends and acquaintances are reading. It’s crucial that they see the guy you want to be seen as… which is a confident, independent, happy and outgoing guy. This means you need to upload pictures of you partying with other pretty girls, smiling, traveling, doing things that you NEVER did whilst in your relationship with your ex.
  • Get in touch – Go back to “situation 1” and follow all the steps from “Get back in touch”.

Situation 3: After a year (or more)

Right then, you haven’t spoken to her in months, you know that she doesn’t have a boyfriend and you’re still kicking yourself about the breakup. Now what?

Well, the same rules apply to this situation as the above two situations. The only thing that’s different is that you don’t have a boyfriend to contend with, which means that you will find it WAY WAY easier to get her back if you keep it casual, play it cool and spruce up your current image/mindset.

Situation 4: When she doesn’t want you back (or even hates you)

Oooo, this is a tricky one bro. But it’s not impossible, so let’s get stuck in:

  • Why does she hate you? It’s vital that you find out why she hates you… because this will help you to build a solid action plan. Did you cheat on her? Did she blame you for wasting years of her life without you even proposing to her? Think man!
  • Write to her – The very first thing you need to do is write to her, Facebook, email even a freakin hand written letter dude. Apologise for what you did wrong and say to her that you respect her wishes, also that you truly wish that she finds a guy that will make her happy.
  • Leave it a few weeks – If you didn’t get a reply, that’s fine… wait a few weeks and try again (persistence is key). If you did, then that’s awesome, keep the communication flowing and suggest meeting up for a coffee because you want to stay friends with her.
  • Rinse and repeat – Follow everything from the first and second situation, until she takes you back.

So what’s the best way to get your ex girlfriend back? (Conclusion)

There are a few ground rules you MUST follow that I haven’t mentioned yet, they are solid mindset tips that will help you get her back (trust me they work).

  • Be persistent – Think alpha male who knows what he wants, not a pathetic needy loser who’s begging for attention.
  • Embrace change – Show her that you’re willing to be a better you by changing your ways.
  • Don’t sulk – The moment you accept your defeat, is the moment you will never get her back, so stay positive and know that you’re going to get her back in time.

Other awesome products on getting your ex back

So as I said earlier, I used Text Your Ex Back which really helped me get my girlfriend back. It’s the best money I’ve ever spent, no question.

But I did try a another product that I think is seriously worth mentioning because I picked up some killer tips from it. Here it is…

The Ex Factor (4/5)

4 stars

I got some really great tips from this guide, if I hadn’t have gone through the other two then I would have just used this one but it would have taken me a while longer to get her back. Even so, it still works and I highly recommend you read this guide.

Screen shot of the site.

Well worth a read.

How to get your ex girlfriend back: Common questions

What if I’ve done everything above and she still doesn’t want me back?

Then you’re not doing the steps correctly or you’re still portraying the same crappy qualities that she dumped you for in the first place.

How long will it take to get her back?

This depends on what situation you’re in dude. It took me exactly 4 weeks, but I have a friend who used the same techniques and it took him 7 months. It’s also dependent on what the girl is like, but there is never a set time frame.

What can I say to get my ex girlfriend back? Magic words!

Are you crazy? There aren’t any magic words dude, no secrets, shortcuts or magic bullets. It’s all down to persistence and a positive attitude, sprinkled with the tips above.

So there you have it, this is without a doubt the best advice you will get on understanding how to get your ex girlfriend back in the fastest way possible. I promise!

She wants me back, but she’s in another country, what shall I do?

Well, there are two options. Move to where she is, which is a weak beta male option or get into a long distance relationship. Both are bad options if you ask me.

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  1. jeff kalunga sparo says

    Hi am Jeff,and going through a lot after ma girlfriend became my ex.I have to say it’s all my fault because I was cheating on her and i was telling her lies I have to call myself a fool for that.Now am hopeless am going through so much pain because I truly love her and am truly in need of her,but the worst part is that she can’t pick up my calls instead she rejects my calls, she doesn’t reply to my text messages,she blocked me on facebook I can’t send a message using facebook,but she can’t black list my mobile number (blocking it).I need her and I don’t want to let go .HELP PLEASE!!

  2. brandon j marty says

    So I dated this girl for 8 month got engaged n she prego and she broke up with me cuz I want to talk I showed to the bar cuz she meet her mom there n I talk to her mom saying let me talk to her first but I cud wait so I drove n her mom told me to leave so I did. But then Sunday she told me to move I did she doesn’t want nothing to do with me. I need help with this one

  3. My girlfriend broke up with me yesturday, I’m being persistant but, She blocked me on facebook, Skype, and a few other places, What do I do
    (long distance relationship)
    She knew I had no family/friends left after something happened and that my grandmother passed away a week ago.

    • Two things:

      1) Don’t ever be desperate to get a girl back. She may perceive it as not being “mentally strong” or “healthy.” That said, it sounds like you’re in a tough/desperate place right now. I don’t know you, but maybe the best thing to do is to take some personal time to respect or work on other areas of your life.

      2) A GF may be the last thing you need. Right now, with where you’re at, you need to reflect a bit and work on YOU. You’re probably still a great guy, you just need time to regroup, gain your strength, clarity and stability back – and frankly by the time you do this, you may not even want the same girl anymore. Once you do, you’ll be able to provide a girl with REAL value, and that’s like a drug to a high-quality woman!

      At EVERY point in someone’s life they are going to be a bad GF/BF because of circumstances they cannot control.

      To more directly answer your question, there’s ONE THING you must do that nearly everyone agrees on, which is completely cut off contact.

      The second is to make her jealous by dating another girl, ideally a hotter one. But again, if you’re not in the mindset to do this because you’ve got other stuff that needs dealing with in your life, then this could lead to a slippery slope to an even deeper, darker place…

      TLDR: Take some time to focus on yourself!

  4. My girlfriend told me she needs a break, and seem other people. She asked me if I would consider get back after a while when she figured things out!. What should I do can I change her mind?

    • I am a girl and this is seriously the worst advice a guy can give. Obviously, written by a man. You better spend all of your time adoring her, check your ego and apologize. If she ignores you, she is testing you to see how serious you are. Don’t stop showing your interest.

      • Seriously?? That’s actually what I was kinda thinking!my girlfriend left me last November and i really want her back still!!she blocked me on facebook not long ago it couldn’t of been but maybe a few days if that!until I noticed I wasn’t blocked anymore!i only message her about once every week or two!i can see that she reads them but I never get a reply!i just know that I was messing up a lot…not cheating but…anyways I also finally started a very good new job I hope this will help?

      • Layla you might be right, am gonna throw the arrows using your type of a bow

  5. I use to date a married woman (i know for some people is bad) she has her own reason and she will ask him for divorce. Even her sisters knows me. Lately we broke up she said she no more have feelings for me while she use to kill herself just to see me. When we were together she felt so happy and free and super honest with me. Something changed I don’t know what but I absolutely love her and want her back. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to got her back. Any help plz

  6. please help me out. my ex broke up with with because she said she was tired of the relationship. i met another lady and we are dating. My ex girl who was in the states has now come back to the country and wants us to trash our differences and make up. but am in another relationship and i love this new girl. However, seeing my ex girl again brought back memories and the love i had for her but scared she will be stubborn again. i dont know who should i continue my life with since my current girl has done nothing to me and also loves me

  7. So what do you do when you wrote her a letter and left it one her doorstep, and she emailed you that same afternoon threatening with calling the police if you ever showed up anywhere near her property again, and then asks you what part of I never want to see or hear from you again dont you get! I really want this girl back. Its been 9 months and every goddam day still hurts!!

    • Lady Anonymous says

      Grow. Respect her wishes. Maybe the hurt can’t be mended with an apology. Sometimes your presence alone brings up hurtful memories/thoughts.

  8. I lost my girl about 2 month ago. after that days i tried my best to her come back. but i did not leave her a day without talking … now she talk to me .. but she is liking other guy….. i want her coming back .. plz suggest

  9. My GF and I were together for close to a year. She broke up with me about 3 months ago. Our relationship was actually really good. We hadn’t had any real disagreements. We communicated really well. We were planning on living together. Then Oade a huge mistake. I lied to her about something huge and important. I did so because I let my ego and pride get in the way of my rational thinking. She has completely shut me out of her life. She has blocked me from her phone, email and FB. I did make all of the early breakup mistakes like pleading with her to take me back. Apologizing over and over. It finally dawned on me that I never let her know that I wasn’t taking her feelings into consideration. I let her know that I did after a short period of time. I have read several different get your ex back e-books. All of them do not seem very promising as I am a woman and I try to think about how I would react to some of the steps given. I have done the no contact step. I have written her a couple of letters apologizing again. The last letter I wrote I basically told her some things I loved about her, how I was angry that when the going got tough she ran and that I was saying goodbye and good luck to her. I just dropped it off so I have not received a response…if I get one at all. I do love her and I do want her back. I can honestly say she is the one for me. Some of my friends have given me the “there are other fish in the sea” speech. That’s not what I want. I want the one that I love back. I guess I’m looking for some more advice. Anything I have missed in this whole process. Thanks head of time for any advice given. I do really appreciate it.

    • Casey Hansen says

      Chris… I know it hurts bro, but you can only engage her in future conversations from a place of strength. Weakness is always an attraction sniper. Take the hit, take the loss, take the pain and move on to a better you! Join a gym, go learn Krav Maga, work more hours. The point is to build yourself up to be something you are proud of. Maybe she will come back, maybe not. I promise you that it will be OK. You will be OK with or without her because you are will gain more value. Always put yourself first, Alpha.

  10. Beth Allen says

    I am that ex girlfriend who broke up with a controlling man. He started stalking and harrassing me, and would harrass any guy I dated.I told him never to speak to me again, but he still tried to get me back, was watching and following me in person and on line ,so I called the police and filed a report, and later filed a no contact order. Turns out he had a warrant in CA for stalking another lady.I have to say to any guy…be careful of overstepping boundaries. You may push her limits till she is afraid of you or hates the very thought of you.If you are a good man, she will miss you and call you.

  11. Sooo, I reconnected with a girl I knew a couple of decades ago. I had a huge crush on her but both of us were married. I’m not now and spent a lot of time on self improvement, which she gravitated towards as she works her way out of another marriage. After about three months of platonic self help counseling we caved…it was intense for about two months; she started working with a counselor to save the marriage/amicably divorce and suggested I pursue other women for awhile. I backed off, maintaining contact via text/cell about every 3 days; not too heavy subjectwise. Made the mistake of telling her I was doing great without her. After that she shut off contact, and responded to my attempts with a hostile voicemail telling me to stop all contact. I went into no contact mode for two weeks, sent a couple of happy holiday texts, then wrote the no contact letter. A week later her husband comes up and introduces himself, tells me he’s in the middle of his divorce and she’s eligible now but has a boyfriend. I reach out for confirmation and to give her a heads up and ask for a meet and am given a letter with all the nevers (never want to talk to you, never want to see you, never be friends, etc) and threatening to go to the cops over stalking. I know I should cut and run but we got so close in those early months…I don’t want to give that up. I also don’t her throwing the stalking card out to everyone…most of all…don’t want the anger, nor do I understand it. How do I turn this around to platonic at the least and repair it to a couple at best? Yeah I called texted lettered about 20 times in 80 days and maybe drove by her house twice but STALKING? I never raised my voice to this woman.

    • I was with my ex for 9 years off and on. We broke up a lot. I was immature. Shes older. She told me I was her soul mate. I felt the same but couldnt show it. I would text her amazing words but when she would see me I couldnt back thenlm up or say them in person. I was depressed and lacked confidence. She finally had enough and told me she was done and I should move on. She has blocked me to and called me a stalker once or twice. Ive never even drove by her house or wrote her a letter. We were together 9 years! How can she call me a stalker? Because I love her and am trying to show her? Well, I realized in the last 3 months that I didnt appreciate her when I had the chance and I hurt her. I never gave her time or space enough to heal and so she took it. Now I dont think she has forgiven me for not giving her that space. I dont know. Fact is bro that women are capable of pure evil when they are hurt by the man they truly loved. When they stop talking all together its because they killed that amazing love they once cherished.

      My honest advice is to focus on you. What were your goals before her? Reach them. Find new ones if you need to. Dont go looking for her or any other woman. If she remembers she loves you or that she likes you even, she will talk to you if she decides to. If not, some other woman will someday. Just put yourself in social situations when your ready. If you want to spend the rest of your life sad bexause you lost her, than go ahead. Its your life. Fact is, we men are the commited ones. We decide and we stick to it but we unfortunately dont see the womans needs. We often think they are too needy or dramatic and dont see that whats minor to us is major to them. Every woman has her breaking point. If you dont change but keep promising to, she will reach it. I’ve been in love twice and the first time lasted less than 10 months because she never really loved me. This one almost ten years because she loved me deeply. I sometimes think I would have better odds of getting back the one who never loved me.
      I understand man. It hurts, it sucks, it deels like death would be way better. I feel that way everyday. All I know is, I have to let go. I have to be me, the best me. I have to learn how to see a womans needs before she is gone. If I am really lucky, my girl will feel different soon and call me. If I get the chance, believe me, I know what to do with it and I will treasure her as long as I live. I will pay attention to what she says and not think I know better than her. I will be happy just making her happy. If I dont get the chance, I will hurt like this until it stops I guess. I dont know. One day and one minute and one second at a time, I stay alive and I try to be who I should have been all along. Hang in there. Leave her be. Try to call her once every 6 months if you still want to and stay alive. Do good things. Its who you want to be.

  12. So it’s been about 4 months since me and my x broke up. We broke up because she got jealous about other women who were giving me attention, and i lied about one of these girls at a party and i just got too comfortable and didn’t show interest. Well then after we broke up i made out with one of the girls and i told her about it and it devestated her. I told her the kiss meant nothing and I was thinking about her when it happened. We’ve hung out like 7 times since the break up and things got pretty affectionate 4 out of the 7 times. It’s just been a rough past summer for me in general with my grandpa passing away and adjusting to all this change. I do love the girl and I’m attempting to get her back by going to her school which is an hour away and serenading her wih a guitar right on campus haha. We’ve broken up before about 2 years ago and I did the same thing just outside of her house. What do you think of this? She has me blocked on facebook and snapchat, yet we still keep in touch through text and phone calls and shes friends with my mom on facebook still haha. And I still remain very close with her family

    • Keep at it, realise your mistakes, change everything (better appearance, be more kind, a better listener, etc.) she is still in love with you and still wants you very much you just have to prove to her that you are a better person than before.

  13. My girlfriend and I broke up a month and a half ago, we were talking frequently until 3 weeks ago when she moved to Portland, OR (we lived in California together). Last week she started dating another guy and I freaked out, text her (nothing mean) said “wow, that was fast” she got extremely pissed and blocked my number and Facebook. Do I still have a chance at getting her back? I made a lot of mistakes after the breakup, begging to come back to her, argued a couple times, freaked about her dating. I wrote her 2 letters but didn’t send either one yet. One is a love letter and the other is an apology letting her know I accept the breakup and wish her the best.

  14. Hay, I broke up with my girl like for 2 years now, but it’s all coming back to me, it was my fault, I physically assaulted her. What should I do

  15. Jesse solis says

    Anyone willing to honestly ????

  16. Jesse solis says

    We’ll i hope theres someone out there that can truly help me with all BS aside… Im senior at my hight school and my girlfriend is a junior. I know my girlfriend left me for pressuring her of wanting to hang out more when she was busy with school… But i have an explanation for my behavior…soo me and my girl friend where going to be 1 year in may 8th of 2014 but she broke up with me may 4th :,( … Im not going to lie i would get mad at my girlfriend but its only cuz i wanted to talk to her more…try to understand that i started going out with her my junior year with 2 months of school left and then i got use to seeing her everyday and hanging out with her nearly everyday…so once school started , it was hard for me to make that transition of not seeing/hanging out with her so i would finish my hwk and work hard so i could talk to her yet sometimes she would procrastinate so most of the time she called to say goodnight and i just felt bad cuz i really love this girl and wanted to talk to her ….im not going to lie we both have our attitudes but ill admit me more than her …she never did nothing but love me…she didnt judge me even though im pretty skinny yet i would be an ass and jude her at time …ima admit compared to her i was an ass …all i really wanted to do was keep communication but i added more stress on top of her school stress …now shes gone and its been 5 days since she broke up with me on may 4th and its just really hard cuz shes tells me that shell think of me and her getting back together but that she wont consider it…so it just brings me down….we’ve been through so much for her to just cut it …her mom and dad were surprised that she broke up with me cuz they even said i respected her a lot …so im trying not to listen to her negative comments because she might not mean it and shes just saying it right now so i figured ill give her space but i really need some advice to win her back …i want her back and i just cant let go…don’t think that because were teenagers its just young foolish love …i really do love her and believe anything is possible …after all we did start of as strangers and she rejected me the first time and after 2 months i asked her and won her…this girl is really special and i know i took her for granted and that was wrong of me…HELP PLEASE… Ima give her space and not text her or do anything else so she can hopefully think of things but i honestly need advice..please

  17. tabitha caldwell says

    hi I”m someone s ex girlfriend . yes I don”t understand why my ex walked out on me. without even saying bye bye. and why did go and cheat with my friend for why. my ex girlfriend didn’t have to do me like the way she did me. because if she did”t want me than she shoulder told me than. but I love her and I still care about her a lot . and yes I still wanna get back with her . because overtime I think of her I cry . because I misses her . wild I didn’t no that I”m boring . well why she didn’t tell me than. why sweet heart . but nope I don’t have a girlfriend no. sense my ex walked out on me . from tabitha

  18. Hi, I’m Les. My gf mentioned to break up due to another man and no more feeling with me, I’ve stopped this action taken as I can’t take it! We’ve been together around 5yrs. We never stay together. I was leaving the state around half year and she had ask me to stay but, I insist to leave due to good opportunity. I came back finally and she told me this. I nearly gone crazy as our relationship was quite stable. Never think this will happen. She keep saying no more feeling with girl, what can I do to get her back again coz I too love her. I’ve tried to make her think back how hard we start together and so on. I even pay more attention to her, Concentrate on her. Just feel like fall in love again. Feel like I can’t live without her now. I wanna die if breakup. Please help. PM me if possible. Thanks in advanced.

  19. You just need to give her space and time let her heal first. In the mean time go and get your self together work out hang with friends and make your self happy. I will admit it will be hard it trust me it will work. Dont put your self out there make her come to you. Don’t pay her any attention to anything she does. It’s going to be ok and who knows maybe yall wasn’t meant to be. There may be someone else out there better than her for you.

  20. My gilfriend just broke up with me. 5 days ago. She said through text and phone conversation that she was done . I asked for my stuff back that was left in her car.She took like 2 daus just to give it back. When we met up to exchange items. She gave me mine and disnt want her stuff back. After i realized that i was wrong for pushing her to say shes done i apologize with voicemail, email,and text. I only acted like an ass to her in the beginning thatpushed her to this point was because when i was upset at somthing she did i felt as if she ignored it as she didnt care to want to know why i was even upset. So i light weight metally abused her by talking shit and sending her shitty fowl mouth text messages. I only disnt it cause when i tries to express my feeling beofr the whole blow up ,sje kelt ignoring the facr that i was uoset about ignoring text,call,and i was just building up more anger to be provoke into a shit head. Do stjff that was going to get her attentuon but was hurting her emotionally, mentally inside. She didnt want her stuff back and has continhed to ignore m. Completley as if i dont exists. I feel she never want to own up when shes wrong but she always expect me to right away. Or else. We were together for 8 months and she has to kids 7 and 9 . i feel like why throw 8 months down the drain like that. Atleas give a consideration that i was a faithful dude down to be in it for the long hall . We even talked about having more kid and getting married at some point. I mis her and never wantes it to be a permanent break up. I know if i pull at her more while she still mad and bitter shes just going to pul away more. On top of that ahe has the type of girlfriends who like bashing dudes cause thwy dont have one or not satisfied qjth the ones they have. She would always tell her friends about me and how much she loved me and even tod them all about our sexual life. Her mom and dad like me iv been around her family and every one of her family functions. Now im wondering damn is she really done. Or is she just so pissed off tell she hates me right now. Should i just totally forget she exist and wait until she comes around or should i fight for more. When she gave me back my stuff she got in her car but disnt leave right away its ike she waiting for 10 sec . I ignored it and got into my car and left cause my ego came into play juat as hers was when she said she was done for good. Help me.understand this.

  21. Im a lesbian and was with this girl for four years going 5 on july.she ask space for 3months no communication,no seeing each other so I gave her space but i broke my promise not to call,text and see her. I called her 12 times and ive been texting her also.and worst thing i did, iwent to her office so she saw me and ask what are you doing here, i told her i miss you i wanna see you.and i also ask her when she will come back and if she still love me. I keep on forcing her to answer until she pissed. So i went home and received text messages ftom her saying im not happy with what you did. I starting to hate you and you ask me if i still love you no i dont love you anymore. Now i dont know what to do? I dont wanna lose her.. pleasehelp me what to do not to lose her and to love me again..please

    • You just need to give her space and time let her heal first. In the mean time go and get your self together work out hang with friends and make your self happy. I will admit it will be hard it trust me it will work. Dont put your self out there make her come to you. Don’t pay her any attention to anything she does. It’s going to be ok and who knows maybe yall wasn’t meant to be. There may be someone else out there better than her for you.

  22. Tichaona Marondera says

    i started dating my girlfriend in 2010 at school and now we in 2014.i snatched her from someone.its long but i can make it short

    she left me in 2011 and came back to me in 2012 afta i have callin her and not answering my calls for a year then she left again for a year 2013 around march and came back to me this year 2014…she started calling me on the 28 of february this year and i was shocked and confused about that.but at my point of view she was heartly brokened with the partner she was dating after me.we get back together but she told me we dont have to make love and i agreed but i forced she is telling me she want a breakup coz im cheating but she doesnt have any proof.i loved her and i still love i dont know what to do.i need your help guys..i think she is gona leave again coz im trusting her..but i said i dont want a breakup…thanks for your help guys.

    • She’s playing with you until she get what she wants from someone else. You are her comfort zone you know each other so she is just there with you after what she thinks is good is not. She she leave it becaue she thinks she found the one to replace you then she finds out the grass is not greener on the other side so she comes back. She is blaming you for cheating because she is not being 100% with you about what she is doing. She don’t want to have sex due to the fact thst she don’t want no emotional connection with you because she might find someone else and it will be hard to leave if there is emotionally attached to you.

  23. My wife of 7 yrs left 5 months ago we use to hang out and still do things together for are kids but she recently told me she is moving on a week later she tells me she in a relationship already apparently she been already seeing someone for 3 mths now I was crush because we have two kids together I admit in the beginning Are relationship started off bad u didn’t see when she was ready to settle down I wasn’t it seems to now she has more argue towards me the love please help me I don’t want to lose my family to someone else

  24. Hey I need help! So me and my ex broke up 2 weeks ago. I tried to get her back at first but stopped after I saw it wasn’t working. I just started the no contact phase and am giving her time it’s been 3 days no contact. I’m fine with the no contact but here’s the tricky part, shes getting surgery Tuesday(4 days from now) and is really nervous. When we were together I was a jerk and didn’t make a big deal about it and it hurt her. So now what Idk is should I text her the night before and say something about it like goodluck don’t be nervo use it’ll be okay, just good luck or nothing at all? Help please!!

  25. I had already been arguing with my girlfriend for awhile, I had been sick and on alot of medication one night when she called and tho has got heated. The next day I saw she had took us off of a relationship on Facebook and I lost it, I gave her my password and she out of current mistrust searched through my emails. She took a light hearted conversation to be factual and believes that I am a cheater and our relationship was over a long time ago. It’s still fresh, I have sent her a very brief letter trying to keep an image that I have calmed down now, and apologized once again for how cruel I was, and for even saying the things I had. I sent her mother a 4 pg front and back letter explaining in order of occurrence everything, assuring I am not a cheater and just everything, I was completely honest, and mature in every way. This had truly heart broken me, I may not be ready to get married just yet, but she’s who I would want to be with for the rest of my life, I wouldn’t ever cheat on her, EVER :(

  26. I have been in a releshp wth my ex grlfrend for 4yrs she was my school sweethert we came from far she loved meh soo much we did everythng toghet na untll she had a crush on some guybt she found out the guy is in arelshp wth anther person she came back to meh cryng i accpted her back bt then after a mnth se change start sayng we break up bt then she apologies back for her word iknw ehe was up2 smthng i broke up wth her she didnt even say why or sory she said alryt naw its been 3weeksi tryed callng her bt she nat intrested shes is sayng she want to be single an forcus… so do you think she is a relshp wth smeone else i need advice shoild i just move on?

  27. hi, I’m a lesbian and was with this girl for two years we were so attached to each other and stuff, but then my friend ruin it, she lied to her and told her stuff about me that wasn’t even true. after that my ex replaced me with one of her friends she said their just friends, i told her not to talk to her she didn’t listen and things started going wrong then we broke up. a month later she came back I never stopped thinking about her. she said misses me and that she needed time. but she treats me like crap now, she calls me names.. then when I’m sad she asks why. I don’t understand her, she even asked me out again but said it in a way that disgusted me. I didn’t answer! I really want her back, please tell me what to do? and how to get her back I can’t live without her please help me.. I want to win her heart again please help???”

    • Love should never hurt it should be the one thing thst makes you happy. If she is talking down to you for no apparent reason then she is not the one for you. If she can’t see thst you are in her corner and love her unconditional then it’s time to move on. Wasting time is not a good look especially when yoy are young. I thought thst i could not get over my ex but I am living and making the best of the situation everyday.

  28. Hay.
    I recently lost, my girl it was my fault I got hooked up in internet adiction, porn sites and dating sites, she read my corespondance to the other women and even contacted them to see if we had met up. I did it for a quick sense of wantedness and no other reason, I’ve spoken to a doc about the adiction and confronted mtg demons, but she no longer trusts me and now I’ve lost her…

  29. I love this girl and my dad made me break up with her I didn’t want it but I had to ,so when I did break up with her, I didn’t talk to her for about a month because I would never hurt a girl so what I thought was not to talked to her for a monthbut I was wrong I made things worse its been a year now I did that 2 weeks things still nothing she’s in love with another boy but I still think she loves me because she used to be way in love with me but it is what it is I guess.

  30. I left my girlfriend and know that it way my fault I left, she has a child. I walked out because of two many demands? She shut the door for the child’s sake. What do I do?i have never loved anyone this much. Sometimes she makes a lot of demands and I don’t know what to do. I can’t go on without her.

    • Talk to her communication is the key to anything successful. Express your self about what was the underlying problem with the situation between you both. Nothing will get solved unless it’s talked out.

  31. Sad Buddha says

    I went out with my ex girlfriend for 9years an have 3 wonderful kids with her we had our ups an downs the last 2 years were mostly downs an a lot of fighting we really weren’t talking so she broke up with me for about 7-8 months I did the whole crying asking her for that one chance trying to keep my family together she is really my first love I know what I did wrong an I’m trying to change an understand what I’ve done wrong well we both move out of the place we lived together she went back with her mother an I got my own place I still love her but I just found out she started dating just dating an I’ve seen a couple of women but I still have strong feelings for her she won’t talk to me an when she does she gets angry quick she gets jealous when I say I’m with a friend an she turns around an try’s to make me jealous in return why would she do that I just wanna know if I still have a chance what can I do an if I don’t should I just move on please help

  32. My girl and I had been trying to figure out something to do for New Years. Her friends had asked what we were going to do, and I through out the idea of going to Atlantic City, in which they politely declined. Than I figured, what the hell, let us just go, and she started to say how she isn’t going to have the money for it since she will be heading to Michigan with family for the holidays and wouldn’t be working. While she I was away, all I could think about was ringing in the New Year with her for the first time. Things have been perfect. I have never been happier. She brightens up my world.

    Until she returned. As I still pondered on what to do for New Years, I suggested we just hang out with some of my friends for the evening. I should’ve realized, when she kept avoiding the suggestion and pulled the “I’ve been feeling sick” card, that I had done something wrong. I figured, Ok, well I don’t want you to drink if you’re not feeling well. She blasted me New Years Eve night saying how she was hoping I had made reservations and taken her someplace classy in which she injected that her parents had done that. She told me that I didn’t get the hint, that I didn’t care and that I should’ve know her by now. This was when I immediately went into defense mode and apologized a million times. Because even if I felt as though it wasn’t a big deal, for her it was. She told me she hopes everything works out in the New Year and hasn’t spoken to me or returned any text messages since.

    The problem is she’s cut me off once before after a bad night than about 3 months later wanted to hang out again. This time around I made all the right moves. Took her out to fancy dinners, wine tastings, spent days with her at her apartment for study dates, hung out with her and her friends, took random walks. And now because I messed up for New Years I’m a terrible person. I just don’t get it. I’m hurting like crazy here and I just don’t know what to do. I can’t go through this pain again. :( I feel horrible and would do anything to redo that moment or make it up to her. Any suggestions?

  33. i fall in love with a girl from the first sigh i keep asking about her then weve meet up a few times as friends then i send a friend to ask her if she wanna be my girlfriend this how its works in my country in the first she says she will think about it then i go by myself to talk to her then she says no and my heart was broken i really love her i was watching for over 4 monthes i cant hold on what should i do to say yes

  34. Me and my girlfriend been together for 14 months. We almost had an baby. But the baby died. After 3 weeks she started to act different. I called her horrible names like 6 different occasions. Now I text her she doesn’t even text me back. I call her shell call me a couple hours later. I love her so much. I text her in the morning that I apologize. Saying nice sweet stuff. Then when I wanna break up with her. She gets so mad at me. She don’t even wanna see me like that. It hurts me so bad. What should I do.

  35. My story seems to be a bit different then most. So without trying to bore you completely I’ll give you the basics. I met my ex in high school and boy did I hate her she was that annoying chick in class I couldn’t stand. After high school I began hanging out with her with my best friend, now the big twist begins here. I had left my house with my boy and her there and one thing led to another and they ended up hanging out afterward and having a kid. I wasn’t mad at either of them bc I never expressed my feelings for her before hand. There son was 3 months old when they broke up, I lost contact with my buddy but regained connection with her and as friends went to eat with her. Ever since that day we were inseparable, she was my best friend my lover and in my eyes soon to be wife. Her son was 1 1/2 when we found out we were having a little girl. She did not want to have another child which forced a argument of her wanting a abortion. After consideration she decided it wasn’t the right thing to do and proceeded with the pregnancy. We had our baby girl dec 24,2011 best day of my life. Now she will be 2 In a month me and the ex are broken up and she is out partying like she is 16 everyday I get my daughter. She has lied to me and put me threw a lot but I can’t help but want her back, I mean guys she is the mother of my child. She wants nothing to do with me, took me for child support and custody. Am I crazy for thinking it’s not over and trying every opportunity I get to get her back and persuade her. What could I do to win her over, I love her with all my heart and want to spend the rest of my life with her, my daughter and her son who I’ve taken in as my own. Help, advice?! Bare with me it’s a open wound.

  36. Me and my girlfriend were together for about a month and a half. She meant the world to me ( still does). 2 days ago she broke up with me without giving me any chance to talk to her or speak my mind. I realize that why we broke up is because i fucked up, but i thought that she would give me a little more of a chance than what she did.

    What did i do? well… its pretty simple. I guess i figured we had been going out for a little bit so we were on the same comfort level. I was wrong. I asked her through text what she thought about sending nudes (naked pictures). I didnt force her or anything to send them. I had clearly offended her as she didnt take it lightly and got mad. She had told me that everything was alright after so i thought this would just pass. Til the next morning…

    She texts me saying she cant talk and to meet her at her locker at the end of the day to “Talk”. Im not stupid. I knew what was going to happen. And sure enough when i went to talk to her. She told me that she didnt want me to be dating a girl that wasnt gonna give me what i wanted… even though i clearly told her i didnt care. I tried explaining myself. Trying everything in my will to not lose something that was so perfect just 24 hours before this had happened. I want to tell her how i really feel seeing as this talk took less than a minute and im not taking it very well. Hard to concentrate in school and life just sucks without her in it. Im not fully reliant on her but it was such a good thing. til i asked her.

    Right now, ive been told to give her her space and a little bit of time before i send flowers and a letter trying to get her back but if i can tell you anything.

    Dont abuse your privileges. Im not saying dont go out on a limb to ask her something, but know your limits, and know yours and her comfort zone. These next few weeks are going to be the toughest ive faced in my life. Ive never felt this way about a girl before. She means so much to me and i dont want to lose her. Lose what we have.

    It takes one sentence, one word, one moment, that can change everything. Dont regret. It hurts the most
    – C.P

  37. Ive been seeing a woman we are both in our late 30’s for about 5 months, and got introduced with her young children and her parents a couple of times. Everything was great then her child had problems at school, the ex of 2 years ago and the father of the children got involved, then straight away after 20 odd texts a day cut down to 2 a day. I decided to turn up with some flower to show my support as knew something was wrong. She wasn’t home so went in her friends shop to see if they knew what time she would be back who then told her I was in the village, with that I received a txt saying is this true and why was I about and to go as she didn’t want me at the house when she returned. I went back to her friends shop to ask if they knew what was wrong and had they said anything about me being there as wanted it to be a surprise. Since then by txt it has got totally out of hand where the friends have said things and she has taken what Ive said wrong, now she wants me to leave her alone as she thinks its not normal turning up the way I did and she is scared I will turn up again which I has said I wont.
    I spoke to independent friends who we used to see when we were out of an older generation who carnt understand why she didn’t see me, but did say that her ex the father of the children had been in prison beating someone up in the village, and she went quiet after he had been round.
    What I find upsetting is the last txt I received saying she was scared and that It wasn’t normal just turning up, she was ashamed to let someone in her life she hardly knew
    and her childrens and if I pestered her anymore she would get the childrens father involved which wouldn’t be good.
    The thing is the whole situation has been blown out of all proportion but if I could talk to her she may see its got out of hand, but I do want to sort it out as I am accused of being something Im not. I haven’t txt for 2 days as don’t want to push her away. How do I get her back as she spoke of a future together.

  38. I dated this girl for a long while. She was absolutely perfect. We talk sometimes but she frequently ignores my messages or the such. We’ve been broken up for a year and I recently spent the weekend with her and some other friends down at a church camp. She seemed to flirt at times but then quickly stopped. She would always find something else to do if i brought up a conversation about anything but something funny. I can’t figure out what to do! Please help

  39. Jakoby Griffin says

    Let me chime in here…

    I recently lost my girlfriend. I have to speak out on the theory of date em like u hate em. Couldn`t be further from the truth. If you know its casual, and its going to amount to much sure, i can see that. But if you both know your in love and this is it, Son you gotta respect it. My biggest flaw? I got in a comfort zone. I thought i was being the perfect boyfriend when indeed i wasn`t. I work long hours and a lot of times couldn`t find time for her because i was exhausted. Shit you need to make a girl feel as special as she really is. Never stop. Wake up everyday and make sure they know your thinking about them. Don`t make the same mistakes.

    And if she wants out, you give her respect and space. She`ll be glad you honored her wishes

    • matt ingram says

      yo im going through the exact same thing right now. the girl of my dreams and i were together for 9 months. i had been friends with her for about a year before. then we ended up together. the nine months was great. absolutely amazing. sure it had its moments, but every relationship does. then i fell into that comfort zone, where i didnt realize how bad of a boyfriend i was being because i was working all the time and i would be exhausted, and she tuned me out because of it. we just broke up 2 1/2 weeks ago and were still talking but, she seeing another dude, who was a shoulder to cry on when she thought that i didnt love her anymore. we had a place together and i moved into my boys extra room. now she doesnt want to stay there by herself so she may move in with him. weve talked and she seems like the breakup isnt what she wanted but, she also seems like she likes the new guy somewhat if shes willing to move into his house right after we broke up. but i can tell that she does still love me, and i want my fuckin girl back. she has until the 1st of january to decide if shes gonna move. i dont know what to do. i feel like if she does move into his house, it’ll be too late for us to try in the future. what can i do to convince her not to move into this douchebox’s house?

  40. I dated my girlfriend for 8yrs. We broke up one year ago but kept trying to get back together. She just officially dumped me a couple of weeks ago. Her reasons were that I took too long to change my ways and that she didn’t know what she wanted right now. I still keep trying to show her that I love her more than anything. All she does all day long is work and go to college classes. I feel that there is still a small chance that it will work between us. Our past fights were always about my job, I was insensitive, too much partying, not paying attention to her needs and that she wanted me to better myself. Her birthday is coming up and I bought her a gift. Is that bad? I don’t know what I should do. I really need some help. I love this girl and I don’t want almost nine years to go down the toilet. I did change my ways by the way. I’m also applying for a good job. Hopefully I get it. We lived together and now I live with my sister for the time being. So I say again what advise do u give me.

  41. I was dating this girl for 3 years she was everything I wanted she was sweet very nice helpful beautiful very supportive but also was crazy and pretty jeleouse she did have a right to be though I had a lot of chick friends and would talk to them and boy she would flip I ended up deleating messages from them because I just was tired of the arguments it got worse I started reciving nudes from one oft chick friends and she caught me ever since that day it got all bad she was torn up really bad boy I was a mess I felt so bad I begged her back then she did take me back but then she told me she couldn’t take it anymore and that she was still hurt from it and broke it off again I begged her back and now she said she won’t ever take me back and tells me to move on she looks like she’s set with her decision there was this one time she saw me with a girl as I was picking up some oft stuff from her and (she was just my friend) afterwards she started texting me saying how much I’ve hurt her and that I haven’t changed I replied with “I’m single” she was upset honestly I just want her back I miss her dearly she was my best friend I was 100percent my self around her I miss our laughs together her smile just a lot of stuff I want back if anyone can give me some advice I’d love it I really want her back I don’t know what to do

  42. johnnys guns says

    Hey how about some success stories here instead of guys crying like babies. I’m gonna try this method with my ex, and be persistent as he’ll about it

  43. Rhett Miller says

    I have one for you guys! I started dating this girl that in my mind is the perfect one! I mean I couldnt possibly build a better woman. Well after 4 years of dating we broke up because she was tired of my habbits.!? Well we have been broken up now for three years and she still calls and texts every day. When I go to her house for the night she sleeps in her bed alone. She helps me in any way I need. (Bails me outta jail, pays my phone bill, buys me sweet gifts, ect.)
    However she has a boyfriend that they have been together for about a year and a half. He treats her like shit, talks to her like shit and to top it off he is a fat sweaty nerd! OK here is the kicker- She is a former Texans cheerleader. She is beautiful, and Im not a bad looking guy! I have recently kicked my “bad Habbit” but she is still with this geek and I for the life of me cant figure out why she wont leave this jerk. She is my best friend.
    I guess its best to never chase em, just replace em! Date em like you hate em and treat em like you dont need them. This seems to be the key to success when it comes to keeping your gal…

  44. I am a 16 year old male.. I have been with this girl for about 6 months we have had out ups and downs but I honestly believe that I am in love with this girl.. A few weeks ago her parents got devorsed and she told me she couldn’t have a boyfriend right now because it was too much so I have her her space.. After about 3 days she came back to me saying she was sorry and she loves me and wants me back.. Obviously I took her back because I love this girl and can’t live without her.. For about a week after that everything was really good! Then after that I started getting some weird signs from her like she was starting to not really make time for me and ignore me and that type of stuff… So I went to talk to her yesterday and she was cryin and said that she was soo sorry and that she cares about me soo much but she though she was ready to be in a relationship but she actually isn’t ready to be I’m a relationship.. She says I havnt done anything wrong but I just don’t get it.. I love this girl and she says she loves me and cares about me but if this is true why is she leaving me??? Please help me my life is so shitty withought this girl :(

  45. My girl is my love. She is my best friend only, one I trust and believe so much. I always give everything she wants or ask me and she enjoyed to spend time with me a lot for shopping, dining, etc. She still loves me for being honest and supportive in her life. She think me of her family only. But her heart still want another guy. It make me felt stupid, jealous and I worry that she will use me for him and her. I give so much to her , she knew me regret and stupid, so she worry I always change mind. She angry and argue with me on 3 times, she want to break up with me, because she suddnelly ask me about him, and I also asked her about her love on him. It make her really ANGRY on me because I never trust in her. I am stupid to help her so much, she never give back to me. She knows I loves her, but she cannot be with me together, she likes me but she loves him so much than me. It make me hurt so deeply. She begs me dont leave at her side cus she dont have many friends. But I cant, but she angry and want to break up with me! So, how I get her think of me, how I make her forget another guy? How make she leave him? She is very degil, and wont listen my advices. Please help me.

  46. My girl broke up with me over 3 months ago, i did the no contact and contact her after 30 days and we caught up for coffee. We have been going on couple dates but recently she has been dating another guy. She still has feelings she says but does not want to jeopardize her new relationship because she is afraid of the other guy finding out that she is still talking and hanging with her ex. what can you conclude?

  47. I just broke up with my girlfriend yesterday…. She left me because I lied to her about me going out and drinking with my friends…. This isnt the first time I’m doing this to her… It’s not that I don’t love her….I feel so disgusted for what I have done…. I don’t wanna lose her…. I just don’t know how I’m gonna ignore her cause I meet her everyday in school…. Can anyone help me out

    • Dude i went through the same thing I lied to her 2 she came to know and she got very angry and started ignoring me I asked her to forgive me but she did not budge I texted her so many times that sge was goin to block me but the last time I spoke to her I told her I was sorry and I knew that I had screwed up I couldnt expect her to come running back for me I told her I loved her and id wait by the sidelines no matter how long it took her to forgive me be it a day or a month id patiently wait and I also told her id be with her through everything and support her decisions whatever she took and gues what man she forgave me 2 days later and were back together im so fucking happy I hope this helped

  48. Robert bright says

    My fiancé left me after 5 half years 3 months ago I got engaged to her on Christmas last year and even decorated my room back in February she moved in with me and my mum 2 years ago after her parents split she had no job for the first 4 years we were together and I supported her she got a new job last July thinking all was good I was got a new job in May and planned to get a place next year we had a house party back in April and met one of my mates well more of a non close friend and found out in July she had cheated on me with him I gave her a second chance but came back a week later and she had left the ring on the side and moved everything and left no note or explanation and when I caught up with her she told me she fell out of love with me and loves him and told me when we were together I told you I liked him the only reason I can think she left me was because I am a gamer and was playing it constantly for the 5 years and sometimes got to involved and lashed out her not hit but shouted and sometimes went to bed really late the thing is though she never told me how she felt I’m 31 and she is 22 so maybe immaturity came into it but all I do is blame myself she has changed her phone number and blocked me from fb and on august put she was in a relationship with him I’m an idiot the way I pushed away the girl of my dreams I’m so sorry I love her and miss her too bits and have no way I can get her back can anyone help me thanks

  49. I met a girl in my work place and we became good friends…she had a bf from college but she was not in good terms with him I mean he had a ex gf and he was nbreaking u. With her and she. Was not sure of him..I asked her to breakup rather than taking it this far..with no intention of us being committed.. Later we became close and got into a relationship known only to my friends and her ex.. After 8-9 months of things going peaceful it started to take a violent turn she still used to talk to her ex sometimes bt later it was on a regular basis now she brokeup with me and is back wit. Him… I am shattered what to do????

  50. I’ve been with my girlfriend for over a year, and she just broke up with me because she seems to care more about her friends than she does our relationship. she wont make time for me and ever sinse we split she refuses to talk to me. I’m heartbroken completely. because we used to be perfect. how do i get her to speak to me again even though she doesnt want to, i need her, please help!

  51. Matt Jenkins says

    So my ex gf broke up with me about 3 weeks ago. She told me she just didn’t feel that way about me anymore. Her friend said I wasn’t trusting enough and a little to controlling. We were together for almost 2 years and we were both madly in love. She has another guy she hangs out with but i know she didn’t leave me for him. We can have a normal conversation. She’s even started it once or twice via text. How can I get her back. I love her more then I ever thought I could

  52. Need some help. Devastated. I was with my girlfriend for 18mths. Moved in together after 10mths. We went on a trip overseas and it was hell. two months later she ended it. She was upset she did it and said she misses me and we kept seeing each other for about a month. Then told me its not happening. She’s fallen outta love. Hurts like hell. She said she did try in that month but its gone for her and that she can’t talk for awhile and needs space. Then, stupidly, I was bored and missing her about 2wks later and sent her text saying that if i was better to her we’d be doing something together right now. She got back to me the day after and wasn’t happy at all. Asked for me to stop contacting her and that she will never love me again. Ouch! I really want her back. Not sure what to do from here. How do i get her back?

  53. Fredy pereira says

    So this girl broke up with me last week and during the weekend I was really drunk, and I was talking to someone about how I felt and I said some pretty messed up things that are just terrible, and I don’t remember who the person was but the person that I told everything too they told her and I up finding out Tuesday or Monday and she was just really upset she told my friend everything and the things I said were really really messed up they were really wrong and I didn’t think about what I said I just said things because I was so drunk and now I just want her back. But now I just gotta face the consequences and I can’t do it myself I just need someones help, but anything contact me at 862-812-9341. I also heard she made her mind up already, it’s only been a week so I don’t think so, but she did block me on everything someone just help me, she meant the world to me.

  54. My ex girlfriend dumped me last night. She said that I treated her better than anyone ever had before, and when I asked why she was breaking up with me she said it was because I treated her more like a friend then a girlfriend. I was okay with it and trying to start to move on but then she texted me and said “I hope that this break up wont be a permanent thing and that I hope someday soon we can get back together”I have no clue what to do but I would like to get back togethersince she was the only girl I actually readily liked when i came across Dr kate she help me cast a return spell and my girl came back the third day thank you Dr kate you can also reach her email on ([email protected])

  55. ThatWrestlingLife says

    My ex girlfriend dumped me last night. She said that I treated her better than anyone ever had before, and when I asked why she was breaking up with me she said it was because I treated her more like a friend then a girlfriend. I was okay with it and trying to start to move on but then she texted me and said “I hope that this break up wont be a permanent thing and that I hope someday soon we can get back together”I have no clue what to do but I would like to get back togethersince she was the only girl I actually readily liked. Please help.

    • You don’t have a problem.
      Message her saying that you were scared to come on too strong before, and if she will give you another chance, you will show your true passion for her. Then, when you guys meet up again, grab her and kiss her immediately. Do whatever it takes to show her that you’re sexually attracted to her, that all you can think about is her.
      It sounds like she really likes you and you like her too, but you were just a bit awkward around her, a bit unsure as to whether you should make a move or not. Go all in next time you see her and she will be blown away, I promise you.
      Good luck!

  56. Justinsane says

    Dated my girl for 6 years and left her to go become a dive instructor on a island. I was gone 2 years but Came back 3 times and instantly back in the sack. I would crew boats back to the states and find a excuse to see her. Last time was normal I came by and we took a couple weekend trips and had sex and exchanged I love yous. Now 3 weeks went by and I came back down to start our relationship back up and within 10 minutes of her picking me up from the airport she tells me she’s seeing someone. I played it cool and when we got back to our old condo she told me I’d have to sleep in the guest room. Still played it cool. A little griping and OK good night. Played it cool for two days and told her I was back to get back together. Trying to explain you told me you loved me three weeks ago and didn’t want me to leave now I can’t sleep in the same room. I’ve been nice and not making myself look needy or desperate and got some nice smiles and laughs. Now tonight I sit to talk after she got home from work and she’s really resisting. Not cold but I tried to get I love you out of her and can’t. Fucking three weeks come on. Still sleeping on the guest bed tonight. I’m here for the rest of the week then going back up near Chi. to do a job for some cash I then wanted to move back in with her. She’s telling me to go up and see how I feel about her after the two month job. But I think she is just trying to make the rest of the week more bearable My birthday is in a couple days and part of the reason I came here was to spent it with her. thought that would give me a nice advantage if anything did go weird. It’s not working. starting to feel really bummed and discouraged. She’s been saying she’s working late and starting to think she’s going to see the boyfriend after work. When she told me she was seeing someone she told me he was out of town this week and would be back this weekend. I can’t believe that this girl I loved so much for so many years would welcome me back three weeks ago but wont now or return a I love you.

    • Dam dude thats so cold

    • From a female perspective, i’m not going to sugar coat it: It sounds like she got tired of waiting around. This on & off again stuff can really hurt. Especially as a woman is maturing she wants some stability. Yeah she might have told you she loved you & meant it, but in the time you left while she was hurt it sounds like the other guy might have been there to comfort her, telling her how he’s better for her by telling her what she wants to hear. That she deserves a stable relationship where the guy she loves is going to treat her like a priority & be wirh

  57. These get your ex back techniques are no good. The reality we must face is that you need to accept the relationship is over and done.
    Only then can the no contact plan work because it is no longer a plan, you are having no contact because you know there is no point to it and have moved on that’s usually the only way it will work for you because you are over the relationship and no longer care if they miss you or not.
    Look after yourself first and love yourself or how do you expect anyone to love you

  58. Me and my ex were together for 4 and a half months. She mentioned a while ago when a guy messaged her that they had a thing before me and her but she assured me that it was the past. Apparently not. She broke up with me because I don’t have a job and I’m apparently lazy. I smoke cigarettes and weed and I am forcing myself to quit these things and I feel like its the only chance of getting her back. Ive also been looking suuuper hard.for a job, but it isnt easy when youre17. This guy that she had a thing with before us is now going all out to try and snatch her up. She broke up with me a week ago and I got information from her friend that she has already gone out on 2 dates with him… that hit me like a train. As soon as I heard that I bursted into tears. She seems like the type to come back after a while but im just not sure because she mentioned that she just doesnt feel the same way about me as she did before, the “butterflies” are missing. I will do anything in my power to get her back because what i dont think she realises is that I am the one who actually cares about her and loves her and this other guy just wants sex. I am way too attatched to this girl and she has such a huge part of my heart and its killing me that she left me so suddenly. :( I REALLY need your help…

  59. I need some suggestions I want my ex-girlfriend back I’m sure of it she broke up with me 4 months ago and has been with somebody else that same amount of time…..thruout that time all I have been saying to her is she made a mistake leaving me I want her back I miss her love her I have been blowing her phone up and she changed her number because of it I need to know even tho I did all of these things is there still a way I could get her to love me again and take me back and I have to work with her bf she’s with now

    • DONT blow up her phone. and DONT beg for her, thats unattractive and foolish. you have to show her a friend, and that you dont need her. you wont be able to make her jealous because shell be glad youre gone. you have to meet her in person, and show her a man, and that you are serious. dont show her a little kid who wants her to feel bad for you. show her a man, looking for a serious relationship. dont be needy, and dont let your messages exceed double digits to her in a day.

  60. Need some advice here, my ex girlfriend/ girlfriend just broke it off after a night at the bar. The night started out with a romantic dinner and then we met her friends out at the bar.. We both had a great night until after bar close when we were trying to decide on what we were going to all do the rest of the night.. We ended up getting in an argument about something, to be honest I don’t remember, and she just told me to go home. She proceeded to walk away with her and a few of her guy friends so naturally I got upset. I contemplated on what to do and them decided to walk to her place.. That was obviously not a good decision, when I got there I got upset and accused her of not wanting to be with me and she went on to say that I followed her he and was stalking her which was not my intent at all.. After going back and forth I just flat out asked if we were over and if she even wanted to be with me and she responded no I don’t want to be. I then immediately started to try and plead with her and ask her why and kept trying to get her to talk to me about it and all she did was tell me to leave and go home, which I did after waiting for a cab for an hour.. On the way home in the cab I was so damn upset and sent her a text message that she didn’t care about me and that I was easily replaced by by one of her guy friends that was at her place with everyone.. She responded with what r u talking about and I then responded with I know your sleeping with him I could tell how lit up your face was when you looked at him and then told her one more time that she was going to sleep with him.. She responded back by saying she wasn’t and that I’m crazy. About a half hour goes by and she text me back that she misses me and said that she was getting a cab to come over.. So she came over and apologized for being a brat and apologized for the night.. I then asked her why she got so mad and she said she didn’t remember.. So I let it be figured we would talk in the morning about it, so we had sex and went to bed. The next morning comes and I try to talk to her and she said she didn’t want to talk about it so I did what I shouldn’t have and prayed at her a little bit to get her to talk and she flipped out and said I just want to go home so asked her again do you even want to be with me and she said I don’t know. I brought her home and when I dropped her off I asked if I could have a kiss and we kissed and she said ill talk to you later.. She finally got back to me 14 hrs later and said that she didn’t feel good and had been sleeping all day which I guess I can understand after a full night of drinking.. I did send her a text and left her a voicemail saying how torn up and confused I am about everything but didn’t say it in a demanding way at all.. The next day I sent her another message in the afternoon asking her if she would have time to talk in person and she said yea.. Being absolutely heartbroken at this point I decided to make her a huge bouquet of flower along with a handwritten card apologizing for everything that happened.. I brought them over to her place and she was still sleeping saying she didn’t feel good so I just dropped th off and we agreed to talk tomarow about things.. I’m just so confused right now, I know we have only been seeing each other for 2 months but I don’t understand how things coul end like they did I have been in this 100%and treat her like an absolute queen.. What should I so here I don’t want to loose this girl she is absolutely one of a kind and I genuinely care for her

  61. my ex broke with me about three weeks ago i asked her why she said that i was over protective what i would like to know is what should i do if she finds another guy and does’nt want me back but i want her back more then anything.

  62. My girlfriend told me she did not love me the same way she used to. That I was more of a best friend type of love… She has new friends that go out alot and she also started to drink socially.. Im not sure this is a cry for independence or because her parents do not a good relationship . So i wondered if she imprinted her dads action on to me as I would treat her as he treats her and her mom….. I tried telling her I could do things differently and so on but she starts med school soon and I am not sure if she wants to be independent or what… I have not texted her and deleted my own facebook to avoid contact. She didnt cheat, we didnt end on a argument. I was the one who said okay goodbye. And thats the last time I talked to her ( 2 weeks ago). Any ideas on what i should do?

  63. my girfriend broke up with me a month ago, she told me she wasnt ready for a relationship and i was too into her more she was into me and she wanted some space.. so i gave her some space but a week later i end up getting drunk in a bar, then i see her .. i approach her and ask if we can talk ( iwasdrunk) then we went to the parking lot… i asked if she could come back to me she said she wants to be single… then i accidentally said something disrespectful, she slapped me and asked me how many bottles i drank… i was in rage of anger because she didnt want to fix things. then when she left.. i started texting her nasty things… well i was drunk… now i regret everything ive done on that day… and she called the next day after that saying she doesnt like me anymore and shes never coming back.. is that because shes really angry? i sent her flowers she threw them away.. im so stupid to get drunk that night… now after 2 weeks i heard she likes this other guy but i dont know if she really likes the guy or not… its only been a month and shes searching for another guy to like? i thought she wasnt ready to be in a relationship?… i need help.. how do i get her back and put interest. thanks…


  64. my ex say she want to study first .. its been 2 yrs and 3month i didnt contact to her but since ,last week i text her from facebook..she leave me because she want to fokus on her study .. so how i can get her back?

  65. Hey guys i really need help. Me and our gf have gone through a breakup its not the first time this would be the third time. But i do not know if this one is serious. She said shes too young for a relationship she just wants to be single an live life. She does not want a bf. weve been together for 2 and a half years. I took her birginity and she took mine. But i dont want to lose her im desperate to have her back. I waited a couple of weeks then started speaking to her again. We caught up a couple of times just as friends. But even then she doesnt txt me unless i txt her. And when she replies its only short words. She actually got angry coz i went out with a few mates drinking and she asked if i hooked up with another girl. So that msg to me feels like she still cares for me but doesnt want a relationship. I snapped last night and txtd her and askes if she ever misses us. She said i dont think it can work anymore i just want to live life on my own. People are saying find someone new she was your first love. But the thing is i dont want to. We shared so many good times together. It was always me and her. She was me to a tea i couldnt see myself with anyone else but her. Shes the girl i want to spend the rest of my life with. I need this girl back so bad its not funny.

  66. Heyy !!! It’s been two months I and my girl broke up.. As like normal guys v guys were in contact, latter on she kept on tellin you gotta move on and all that.. Recently I avoided textin her callin for lik two days, I had even tried avoiding her even b4 once she herself had called from front to know if I am fine.. I acted all fine.. Nd lst night I just bumped at her in place … V wer together boozing she had come with her friends, even then she ws full time wit me , all off sudden topic off our relationship started I was in tears , she wiped my tears , hugged nd kissed me on forehead .. Nd I got to know through her friends tat even she broke down… I really don know what to do??? I just love her alot!!! Tis is killin me .. Plz help.. Does she still love me ??

  67. Got a text from my GF immediately returning from a vacation together. She said she didn’t feel as invested in our relationship as I did. We’d been dating 2 and a half months, extremely attracted to each other, the sex was incredible for the both of us, & we spent a good bit of time together. Within the first month, she was talking about settling down & getting a place together. Admittedly, I was a little taken back by it, but handled it appropriately. Obviously it showed she had been rather interested in me and then some. The breakup happened via text as I said before & about not being as invested in me as I was with her. Not even a week later, she’s already texting me & admittedly I respond, but it’s usually silly stuff. I want to be back with her in the worst way but can’t get a good read on what the hell happened or what’s happening? Any recommendations on how to proceed? Thanks.

  68. After a year and few months, my ex left me cold turkey. I’ve been told that it was immature or just selfish the way she just stopped..talking. She was 25 and I was her 2nd real boyfriend, she was a goodie stay at home girl. Well it’s been almost a year, and she’s still on my mind, i still wish we were together, maybe after I get my RN license, i can talk to her again. Sometimes I want to text her just to ask how she is or somehow to see that beautiful smile of hers again..It sucks that when I think of us, I think of all the good, fun, and happy times, and I never think of the bad times that happened between us, unless someone actually tells me to think about it, and think about how she made me stress and how she didn’t appreciate the things I would do for her. Sad thing is it feels like all she ever thinks about are the bad things and the faults during our relationship. I think this is where people that are in love differ…I can only see what makes her so special to me and why its so hard for me to remember the not so green side of the relationship. Maybe finding someone that sees only the good in me is what love truly is. Its 3am I’m incoherent, I’ll probably forget I ever wrote this..

  69. My gf doesnot want to c me anymore..nor c wants to talk 2 me..or evn hear her voice..everything was alright jst a month nw cz suddenly changed..i tried calling her messeging her bt no use..c evn hav unfriend me from facebook..n nw dnt accept my frnd request..c jst wants me 2 go away..
    A month ago,c had to prepare for sum serious test n at that time i was frustrtd wid boredom so i behavd in a rough way i dt may b the cause..also c had constantly talkd about her getting married to sum1 else n i suspect dt may b d main reason..also c is of different religion so her parents r nt gona accept us..
    So plz help me..wat shud i do..?

  70. Need a really helpful advice.
    Me and my girl been dating for almost 18 months. And I became depending and demanding which leads to posessive attitude. Starts acting jealous and shit. The last months before we broke up we had a huge fight. We yelled to each other, and she hits and kicks me like crazy and I lose my temper back then. I slap her cheek once (not in purpose) and I cried over her because I felt so wronged for doing that. Things seems to go well, but all of a sudden she blow up some litlle mess into a reason for broke me up. She oftenhy hide something for me. Even lied to me. But I don’t know, my heart still beats for her. I even saw still her posting pics on our date. Been 6 months since we broke up and she never respond to my text and calls. I tried to hold it, but last week we talked through text. And I begged her to come back. Remind her things we used to do. But the answer is “no, I can’t be with you anymore” “don’t bother me!” “Go find another girl, or either I will” . She’s an introvert. I always honest to her. Never mess with any other girl. And I’m the one who took her virginity. I feel responsible for that. I don’t want another man used her! Need to get her back. But none of no talking method works. I feel guilty when I text and begged her after months I gave her own space to cool down. :( I really love her man. Please help me. Desperately needed advice. Thanks a lot. -z-

    • She obviously was too hurt or never really had affection. Come on she’ll Come around. Just fight for her. Send her written letters. Always sign with Love, & ur name.
      make urself unresistable. Be Dimitri Belikov.
      ha that was awesome.
      Also never give up.. maybe try to save her.. girls live a knight in shining armor whether its emotional or pysically. I know you can do this..

  71. What if your ex works at your job and still talks to you friendly? Should I engage or should I ignore her politely? Idk what to do here. Just to let you, we broke up last night and we argued like hell.

  72. Me and my girlfriend just broke up yesterday night and on top of that we argued big time that night… I know she really feels for me but we butt heads like crazy and maybe it’s because I don’t like when I know she’s right. We’ve been together for 3 years but it seems like we were rushed into being together because my friends were jealous and a lot of lies were spilled! Eventually me and her pulled each other together because of the chaos. We didn’t get a chance to be friends and like stuff about each other. We didn’t get a chance to be boyfriend and girlfriend. She’s been there for me so much but she think I don’t appreciate because the last 2 years we have argued a LOT! Please help. She wants the old me back, the one she first meet. I need tips on how we can get back together and I’m a better person for her.

  73. Hey,
    I learned by my girlfriend’s friend that she fell in love with another guy. It’s the middle of summer so I can’t see her or talk to her since she doesn’t have her phone(even when she had it she didn’t answer). I truly love her and need some help with this, not to be weak but because I love her, and I fear that she might go out with that guy if she breaks up with me. Is there a way for me to make her have feelings for me again? A way for not to break up with me?
    Thanks anyone and everyone

  74. Gregory Perez says

    Me and my girl have two kids together she left me because I was too controlling. She left me 3 months ago. She lives with a friend that’s a girl about 100 miles away from me.Before she left I accused her of cheating a lot she was tired of it and left. For two months I bothered her trying to get her back. I’m her first love and her first boyfriend. When we last spoke she said she hates me and wished I was dead. If she didn’t care about me than why is she still responding when I talk to her? I know she still loves me and she knows I still love her. Everytime I’m positive with her she knocks me down yelling, cussing, or threatening to take my kids away forever. She thinks if we get back together I will an ass again. She cries sometimes when we talk over the phone. Do I have a chance of getting her back? And How? We been together for 6 years

  75. Charly t says

    My girl broke up with me a few days ago said she can’t trust me, we don’t spend a lot of time together, my fault really, I miss her so much but she said she wants to forget about me, which she said is very hard, she got some bad advice from her friend and me working late doesn’t help, sooooo she feels like I’ll cheat on her we had talked bout marriage but never made any real decisions, right now she doesn’t wanna know about me, what should I do? Any suggestions?

    • Dude… be chill. I overreacted at first too but it was more so because there is a child involved. Mine left just a few days ago as well. The first day she texted me back a few times but then she either changed her number or just let her minutes run out (prepaid). But after looking through some of these sites… I took their advice. Start working out…. like wayyy harder than you normally do. Get the testosterone and endorphins flowing. It will take your mind off shit. It’s amazing how much similar your story is to mine. We had just talked about marriage a few weeks ago. I am going to give it about another week or so and see what happens. It’s amazing how much a little time away will make things much more manageable with your emotions. It will be hard to make that first leap to contacting her but just be subtle with it. Don’t go all Rambo gotta come back now guy. Just be polite and reasonable. Don’t have any thing set that should happen. Read her. If she is accepting to it… go on with your bad self. If not… say something chill… like “well… I just want you to know that I had fun while it lasted. Take care and I’ll see you around.” And walk the fuk away.

  76. Alex Flores says

    I was with my ex gf for about a year and no lie, she is the only girl i have ever really felt happy with. Well anyways, i feel that its my fault because i decided to take a brake with the relationship. Now she has a boyfriend who she has been with for 2-3 years. She and I still talk and hang out every now and then (her boyfriend doesnt know she hangs out with me nor does he know who i am), but it feels wrong to me. I know she has a boyfriend so i respect her and keep my hands to myself. She tells me things like “even thoughi have a boyfriend, you were still the best boyfriend i ever had”, or “sometimes i wish you never broke up with me”. I am currently going to college and she had just graduated high school (we are both 18). Her boyfriend doesnt go to school and does not have a job, so i asked her why she has a boyfriend that isn’t doing anything with his life and she said, “because i love him”, that left me speechless. I know he doesnt deserve her because he always argues and cusses at her, doesnt trust her (what is a relationship without trust?), he keeps her on check (where are you at? Who are you with? What are to doing?). I have never cussed at her, yes we argued sometimes but got over them easily. I listen to what she has to say and I’m there for her when she needs it. It hurts everytime she talks about him and even when she talks to him on the phone in front of me (he doesnt know that i am with her) and tells him “i love you” right before they hang up. I miss her so much and wish that she and I can continue our relationship. I can’t be “just friends”because I’ve known her as my lover and nothing less. I really dont know what to do, but what i don’t want is to have to move on. Pleeeaaassse help me out.

  77. kobe salisbury says

    Me and my girl were good and after the first time i came to her house i had to talk to her family and she says i always talked about myself and my problems too much and that i never really payed attention to her and her problems also she says i shunned her family
    but its been 2 months and i miss her alot but i just dont know how to get her back i still love herand i still wanna be with her but i just dont know what to do or say yo make her wanna be with me again

  78. Asamoah Sam says

    I had a gal whom I loved and we did have sex but there sex didnt go well for us . after that when I call her we dnt chat for long . It got to a time that when I call her she didnt pick up my calls then from there we havnt talk to each other or seen each other. Its been a year since that happened. what should I do to get her back.

  79. halston jackson says

    So me and my ex fiance are no talking terms right now.. she left me a month ago and still wears the necklace I bought her and she wont give me the ring back because she says I bought it for her so its hers. I dont like to feel weak but I want her back and its super hard to not see or talk to her. She says im scum to her but then again she still has pictures of me and notes I sent her. Im at a loss right now what should I do to get her back

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