How to Make a Girl Jealous So She Chases You

Making a girl jealous can be one of the best things you can do as a single man or even if you’re in a relationship. Too much jealousy can cause bad blood and potentially ruin a good thing. But just the right amount… can be an incredible attraction booster.

Make A Girl Jealous

One of the most powerful seduction techniques you can use.

Conventional wisdom says that jealousy is a bad thing, and it is… for you. But if you’re a man, you can leverage your girlfriend’s jealousy to make her more attracted to you. [Read more…]

5 Things Women Do That Men Absolutely Hate

It’s a common refrain from Cosmo, Alpha XR, and other mainstream sites: constant complaints from women about things men do that they hate.

Things Men Hate

Do you agree fellas?

From growing beards to playing video games to not answering texts quickly enough, there’s a laundry list of things that supposedly annoy women like crazy. [Read more…]

Instagram Game: How To Pickup Women With Instagram (Proven Techniques)

Whether you like it or not, social media is a necessity for gaming these days. Women use it to vet potential men that they want to sleep with and they also like to post useless crap that nobody really cares about, just to get pointless likes from thirsty men… but that’s another story for another time.

Instagram Game

Build a life where women find and contact YOU.

Regardless of how you feel about Instagram, it’s a platform that can take your sex life from nothing to… well, unlimited amounts of women on tap if you want. It just depends on how tight your IG game is. [Read more…]

21 Ways to Spot if a Girl is Promiscuous… and Not Worth Pursuing

It’s no secret that modern society encourages women to be sluts and even outright gold diggers. A constant torrent of you-go-grrl propaganda, feminist ideology, and technology encourages women to be promiscuous. While a slut might be fun for a night or two, you don’t want to shack up with one since it will just end in misery for you.

21 Slut Flags

These hoes aint loooyal!

Here are 21 easy ways you can tell if a woman is a slut… [Read more…]

How to Seduce Women Without Harassing Them: A Guide for Movie Execs and Other Powerful Men

How To Seduce Women

Seriously… you will get caught!

God it must be hard having so many beautiful women around you. They want you to choose them for movies, but they would rather date their attractive male co-stars than give you a forced handjob in a bathrobe.

For years the only option seemed to be to lure them back to a hotel room and whip it out. But times have changed and that is no longer gonna fly. So what’s a movie mogul going to do??

Fear not, I’m here to help. [Read more…]

How To Talk To Girls: The 16 Best Questions To Ask A Girl You’re Interested In

How To Talk To Girls

Don’t complicate things… just use these.

Talking to a woman that you’re attracted to is hard. Especially if you’re not a sociable talker type of guy and she’s super hot. That feeling you get when you run out of things to say but you know the conversion is dead… ugh, horrible.

That’s what happened to me for years. I’d approach a girl, talk for a bit and then not know what else to say. The interaction would always get to the awkward stage and the girl would make her excuses and leave. [Read more…]

Becoming an Alpha Male: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Becoming An Alpha Male

Are you ready to become the right kind of alpha?

There are three kinds of alpha males out there and they are all universally attractive to women.

Answer this question honestly:

Are you working to turn yourself into an alpha male? [Read more…]

Why Western Women Suck And How To Pick Up A Lovely Eastern European Lady

Why Western Women Suck

If you want a REAL woman… go Eastern European.

Western Women are in a shocking and dire state right now.

Thanks to feminism, women in the West are getting pregnant from one night stands, sleeping with multiple men without using protection, using drugs/alcohol regularly and ripping apart traditional family values by refusing to stay at home and be good mothers. [Read more…]

How To Quit Porn Addiction Before It’s Too Late [The Ultimate Guide]

Are you addicted to porn? Statistics show that you probably are, so you don’t need to lie. In this article, you’re going to learn if you are and how to quit porn so you can start living a normal life again.

How to quit porn addiction

Quit porn now before it’s too late.

In fact 79% of men between the ages of 18 and 30 view pornography regularly every month. Overall 64% of men in the U.S of all ages watch porn on a regular basis, so you’re not alone dude.

Out of those men watching, you’re most likely wondering whether you watch too much right? [Read more…]

How To Eat Pussy Like A Champ In 5 Simple Steps: These Pussy Licking Tips Will Give Your Girl Powerful Orgasms

WARNING: This article is intended for men (or women) who want to learn how to eat pussy the right way. If you’re easily offended, please leave now.

Illustration of mouth and tongue with the words "How to eat pussy".

A complete guide to eating pussy.

No matter how old you are, you can always learn a thing or two when it comes to sex. More specifically, oral sex skills. Today I’m going to show you how to lick pussy like a true champion.

By the time you’re done with her vagina. She will be unable to walk, talk or function like a normal human being for at least 30 minutes after. [Read more…]