Do you want to grow your penis without risking the side effects of penis enlargement fixes?
One in five men feels unsatisfied with their penis sizes. Penis pumps can give you the enlargement closest to natural, though it’s not a permanent fix. With a penis pump, your greatest risk is bruising on your penis, and that’s if you used it on an already injured penis.
What are top rated male enhancement pumps right now?
Though penis pumps are some of the safest solutions for penis growth, you want to get the best penis pump for you. Below, we have a list of 5 of the best penis pumps on the market. Read on to know which one will suit you best.
1. Penomet Penis Pump
Did you know that Pornhub got 42 billion visits in 2019 alone? Regular visits to the site aren’t a bad thing, but it can cause some self-confidence issues. Because of this, it’s easy to feel that your length and girth aren’t up to standards.
With a penis pump, you can boost that self-confidence in the safest way possible. For the first penis pump in this list, you only need to look at the Penomet penis pump. It’s the most reliable and the best penis pump all over the world.
Like all good things, Penomet’s superior quality lies in its simplicity. If you compare it with other penis pumps in this list, it has a simple design. This is what gives the Penomet great longevity and quality performance.
The best thing about the Penomet is that it has a lifetime gaiter replacement warranty. The materials used for each model are medical-grade. It’s worth noting that the Penomet pump is a two-time Venus Award Winner.
The construction of the Penomet is simple. You have its polycarbonate plastic cylinder, a one-way valve, and a gaiter. The gaiter is what creates the pressure to help your erection stand firm and strong.
You can buy the Penomet penis vacuum in 3 different packages. Choose between the Penomet Standard, Penomet Extra, and Penomet Premium. Extra has two extra gaiters while Premium provides a special strap and 4 extra gaiters.
This is the best penis pump if you’re looking for a cock pump that’s well worth your money.
The Penomet Hydropump Standard costs only $127 while Extra costs $197. You can get the Penomet Premium for only $297. Get each model at the cheapest prices from the official Penomet page.
2. Bathmate HydroXtreme Series
The HydroXtreme penis pump series by Bathmate is one of the most popular and in-demand today. If you look at the features and vacuum system, you’ll understand why that is. The HydroXtreme series has some of the most powerful handball penis pumps on the market.
Great if you’re on a budget.
The HydroXtreme series has a robust design and includes 9 accessories. The difference between each model in the series is the size of each one.
Or, on special mornings (or wet nights), you can add the shower strap to an extra-special time. Note that adding water makes this pump difficult to handle when you’re upright. Thus, Bathmate added the shower strap to help you support its weight.
If you have good girth, consider the HydroXtreme7 Wide Boy. It provides enough room for a penis with that’s thicker than 6.5 inches by 7 inches or shorter.
Though each vacuum pump is part of the same series, some are costlier than others. For example, the HydroXtreme 3 puts you back only $209 while HydroXtreme 5 costs $249. The most popular model, HydroXtreme 7, costs $299.
If you want to avail HydroXtreme7 Wide Boy, get $329 at the ready. HydroXtreme9 costs $349 while, finally, the HydroXtreme11 is at $399. Note that these are the prices of each model on the official HydroMax page by Bathmate.
3. Bathmate HydroMax Series
The HydroMax series is the best choice for you if you’re not ready to get a model from the HydroXtreme series yet.
If you compare it to the HydroXtreme series, it’s less powerful. Think of it as the mini-boss level you need to complete before you head to the boss level (HydroXtreme series). Though it isn’t as powerful, it still packs great vacuuming power at a reasonable price.
Highly recommended.
Note that there are many other factors to having a good sex life. Penis size and hardness are two of the most essential factors for many men. If you want to know more about finishing what you started, see our guide on making more cum.
The swivel bellow of the HydroMax allows for easy and regular pumping. It has four different sizes and they all come in 3 colors.
These penis pumps use an easy-pump bellows design and allow for an easy pressure release. Bathmate ensures top-quality pumps by using high-quality material for each product.
Like the HydroXtreme series, each model in the HydroMax series has a different price.
The HydroMax3 is $129 only while the HydroMax5 is worth $139. The HydroMax7 costs $159 while the HydroMax7 Wide Boy will put you back $179. Finally, you can get the largest size, the HydroMax9, for only $199.
4. Osbon ErecAid Esteem
Do you want a penis pump with an electric mode? Osbon EreAid Esteem penis pump comes in two purchasable versions. You can get it in a version that’s 100% manual or in a version with electric and manual modes.
Looks oldschool, but really works.
All the items you need for erection training are part of the package. Both the manual and manual/electronic versions let you treat erectile dysfunction. Even if you have a disability from using a hand pump, you still have a solid chance of getting a bigger dick.
The package comes with 4 great penis rings and lube. As a note, the Osbon ErecAid Esteem isn’t for everyone. If you have an above-average girth, it’s not the pump for you.
Osbon Erecaid Esteem pumps are a little pricey. The market price for the Osbon ErecAid Esteem manual pump is $229. If you want to get the whole system, it costs $248.
5. Bathmate Hydro 7 Penis Pump
Finally, for this list of top-rated penis pumps, is the Hydro7 by Bathmate. If the HydroXtreme is the biggest of the brothers, the Hydro7 penis pump is the smallest of them. The irony is that it’s the oldest of the brothers as well as one of the most trusted models.
Last but by no means the worst. Still a solid choice.
You may have noticed we put a lot of trust in the Bathmate brand. This is because it is a reliable brand when it comes to penis pumps. This product has already helped many others improve their erectile stamina and hardness.
The Hydro7 is Bathmate’s and the world’s first water based pump. It’s the best choice for those who are new to penis pumps. Though it’s older, it does have decent power.
Like all other Bathmate products, it’s also manufactured with medical-grade materials. You can get the Hydro7 penis pump in clear, blue, or red. Note that it only suits those with a full erection length that’s between 5-7 inches.
The lowest price of the Hydro7 is $110. This is also the price of the model on Bathmate’s official page. Its reasonable price coupled with its decent power offers a great experience for first-time penis pump users.
Finding the Best Penis Pump: A Buyers Guide
Penis pumps have a ton of awesome pros and one con. The only con with penis pumps is that they’re temporary ways to enlarge your penis. That means you have to use it every time before sex if you want to make your partner happy.
Troublesome as it may be, this drawback is the only thing you need to get used to. Compare it with many benefits of using a penis pump to enlarge your cock. Those benefits include vacuum therapy.
If you’re recovering after radical prostatectomy, use a penis pump. This improves the flow of blood to your penis and prevents loss of length after surgery. Penis pumps also get used before surgery to relax and elongate the penis.
Quick note: If you have organic erectile failure or impotence, using a vacuum pump is effective in treating it. If you have Peyronie’s disease, use it to improve the curvature of your penis. Doing this is one way to prevent further progression of the disorder and even avoid surgery.
The purpose of penis pumps is to help improve the size of your penis. In turn, this helps improve your self-confidence both in bed and outside of it. Remember, women consider overall proportions more than small genital imperfections.
Does using a penis pump have any side effects on your body? As we said earlier, penis pumps have the advantage of not having any side effects on your health. Manufacturers ensure that the designs and materials give no side effects.
If pumps aren’t your thing and don’t get you the desired results, you should consider trying safe male enhancement pills that really can help with blood flow.
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