A significant amount of male culture is tied to penis size. While men often joke about the size of their penis, this is also a source of both self-confidence and self-esteem. Men who have a small penis could be concerned about their performance in the bedroom.

Seriously thinking about going under the knife? Think again.
Those who need proof simply need to take a look at the multitude of television commercials that play on these exact points as they reference ways to get a bigger dick.
There are penis pills sold all of the time that promote penis enlargement. Some men even tie weights to their penis in an effort to stretch it.
Sadly, these pills and supplements usually have no effect on penis size. Furthermore, tying weights to the penis can be downright dangerous. are interested in penile enlargement, one option could be this penile surgery. There are a few critical points that people need to keep in mind.
What Types of Penis Enlargement Surgery Are Available?
For men who are looking for ways to increase their length and girth, there is only one procedure that has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to increase penis length. This type of surgery uses a device called a Penuma to promote penile augmentation.
In this procedure, a trained surgeon will insert a small piece of medical-grade silicone underneath the skin of the penis. This device has the shape of a crescent and will make the penis longer and wider.
There are less options than you think.
The effects are evidence both with a flaccid penis and erect penis. This silicone comes in three different sizes: large, XL, and XXL. This device is designed to fit the unique shape of the man’s penis and is molded to the shape of two tissues present in the penis:
- The Corpus Cavernosa: This is two separate pieces of cylindrical tissue that traverse the top of the penis. The two tissues run parallel to each other near the suspensory ligament.
- The Corpus Spongiosum: This is a singular piece of tissue in the shape of a cylinder. It runs on the bottom of the penis and surrounds the urethra, protecting it from harm.
The Penuma device is inserted along the shaft of the or a sword scabbard.
During the procedure, the surgeon will make a small incision in the groin area. This incision is placed just above the base of the penis. Then, he or she will insert the device, which will stretch the skin and tissues of the penis. This will make the penis both look and feel larger.
Based on research that has been done on the Penuma procedure, the length and girth penile augmentation is reported to be 1.5 inches for a flaccid penis and 2.5 inches for an erect penis.
While reports have varied, the average male penis is around 3.6 inches long when flaccid while measuring 5.2 inches long when erect. With these numbers in mind, it is clear that the results of the Penuma surgery could prove significant, creating a penis that might be 6.1 inches long while flaccid and 7.7 inches long while erect.
How Much Does the Procedure Cost?
While the cost of the procedure does vary from provider to provider, the total out of pocket cost for the surgery is around $15,000. There is an upfront deposit of $1,000. It is important to note that this penile surgery is considered cosmetic. Therefore, it is not covered by insurance. It has also not been approved for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
Those who are interested in treatments for erectile dysfunction should speak with their doctor about treatment options ranging from therapy to prescription medications and alternative procedures.
What Are the Side Effects of This Procedure?
What could possibly go wrong?
While the procedure does have a high success rate, there are a few potential side effects that patients should note. These include:
- The penis is usually swollen after the procedure. of it and it just underwent a surgical procedure. This swelling usually fades within a few weeks and men will get a better look at their results.
- After the operation is done, men will be anxious to try out the results; however, it is important to abstain from all sexual activity for about six weeks. This includes both masturbation and intercourse.
- During the first few weeks after the operation, it is possible that men might feel some pain when they get an erection. region. This is temporary and should fade within a few weeks.
In addition to these side effects, there are also some possible side effects that come with using general anesthesia. These include:
- Possible nausea and vomiting either during the use of anesthesia or while waking up.
- Some people feel confused and disoriented as the anesthesia fades.
- Anesthesia will also make people feel tired, even as they wake up.
- During general anesthesia, a breathing tube is placed to maintain patient oxygen levels. This breathing tube can cause patients to have a hoarse voice.
Important Things to note Before Undergoing Surgery
Before undergoing the procedure, there are a few important points to note. These include:
- The procedure has been designed for men who have been circumcised. While circumcision is very common in the United States, not everyone has been circumcised. Therefore, men who are not circumcised will need to undergo this procedure before they complete this operation to enlarge the erect penis. Most trained urologists know how to complete a circumcision.
- Most people who undergo this procedure will be able to go home the same day; however, they will not be able to drive themselves home. Therefore, it is best to have someone else drive the patient to and from the appointment.
- Typically, the procedure lasts anywhere from 45 minutes to one hour; however, the exact length of time will vary from person to person.
- The procedure does use general anesthesia. This is done to keep the patient asleep, still, and comfortable while the procedure is completed.
- Follow-up visit that takes place a few days later. This is done to make sure the procedure’s results are satisfactory and that any side effects are minimal.
Finally, whenever anesthesia is used, there is a chance that patients might have an allergic reaction. There are multiple trained doctors nearby who know how to handle an allergic reaction.
It is important for patients to report all known allergies to the doctor prior to the operation; however, if a reaction does take place, doctors know how to handle it. There is also a chance that anesthesia could increase someone’s chances of having a heart attack, .
While these are some of the side effects for patients to note, it is also important to remember the benefits of this operation. The Penuma is the only FDA-approved penis enlargement surgery and it can produce results. Most of the side effects above are relatively minor and they tend to fade once people complete the recovery process.
How Long Does it Take to Recover?
How long does it really take to recover?
After the operation, patients will return to the doctor about three days later to assess the results. The doctor will look for any complications including:
- The development of around the incision site (although the risk is minimized with sterile techniques in the room)
- Any issues with the implant
- The possible development of blood clots in the tissue of the penis
- Problems related to the stitches at the incision site (called suture dehiscence)
If there are any issues, these will be addressed by the surgeon. In general, it will take a few weeks for the swelling associated with the procedure to drop. Once the swelling has gone down, men will be able to take a look at the results of their surgery for penis size.
Research has shown that out of 400 men studied who underwent the operation, more than 80 percent of the participants were very satisfied with the results. or infection. About three percent of men later had to have the device removed due to complications following the procedure.
Overall, these are strong results for penis enlargement surgery. It could help men with a small penis get a bigger penis length. This can provide a strong boost to male self-confidence and self-esteem.
A Summary of the Penuma Operation for Penis Enlargement Surgery
This type of surgery for penis enlargement is the only FDA-approved treatment option for men who want to increase their penile size. This operation uses a medical piece of silicone to stretch the skin and tissue of the penis, leading to effective penis enlargement.
The operation has been shown to produce effective results when it comes to length and girth. The procedure does cost around $15,000; however, it can be completed in a single day by a trained surgeon. Most patients finish the operation in about an hour.
The operation does require general anesthesia and there is always a risk of an allergic reaction; however, surgeons and anesthesiologists are trained to manage these issues. The swelling subsides in a few weeks and research has shown that the vast majority of men are happy with the results. Complications are rare.
For men who are concerned about the length of the penis, this procedure can help them increase their penis size. Those who are interested in learning whether or not the Penuma option is right for them should reach out to a trained physician today.
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