Here’s how to get her turned on FAST!
Lots of guys struggle with turning things physical and sexual. A beautiful bridge between a normal conversation and passionate sex is a massage.
I’m going to tell you the exact steps to follow so that you can go from sitting in a café or bar with her to being naked in bed together.
NOTE: If you’re serious about getting better with women in the bedroom, then you need to WATCH THIS VIDEO. It shows you how to become an absolute stud in the bedroom.
While on the date
While you are out with a girl on a date, put your arm on her shoulder and give her a little bit of a rub on the shoulder. Casually as you are talking. Then ask her if she likes massages. Hint – the answer is always “yes” Take your hand away and say “maybe I’ll give you a massage later” and then carry on saying something else. It doesn’t require an answer but you have put the idea in her head.
To get from a date to your house is something I cover in depth elsewhere, but the shortest possible version is: a couple of hours into the date in the bar or wherever, say “would you like anything else” and when she says no, you ask for the cheque, leave, and drive or take the taxi and just head to your place. When she asks where you are going, you say “I’m going to show you where I live”.
Back at your place
When you are sitting in your house, let her relax a while (wine is optional), then say come and I’ll give you a massage and take her hand. Take her to the bedroom and let her watch you take a towel and put it on the bed.
At this point you are purely professional, even if you have kissed her before, have a serious face and keep your distance and look like you are focused on getting things right. Turn on some mood lighting – dim light or a candle or two and make sure the room is dark enough.
Inviting, warm and clean.
Then tell her “okay lie face down on the towel, and keep your underwear on”. The sentence structure her focuses on keeping some clothes on, not that she is almost getting completely undressed. Imagine if you said “okay so now strip off”.
If she has had massages before, the professional tone of your voice and your behavior should make her relax and slip into that mood that she has any time she has a massage.
Set the mood with music
Once she is lying on the towel, you will play some music, I recommend this track as a good example of what you should play:
Perfect music for massage.
You can find this on Spotify. If not, search in whatever music app you have for massage music and check them before hand to make sure the rhythm is right. Make sure your phone is on do not disturb after this so that sounds won’t interrupt your massage.
Grab some high quality oil
Next you need some oil, if it has a nice smell it’s a bonus but not too important. I just asked for recommendations from the shop assistant.
Now you need to get undressed a little too. The lights are down, the music has started, and she is lying face down and probably can’t even see you. You’ll say something like “I’ll take my shirt off so I don’t get oil on it”. And then you want to strip down to your shorts.
Start massaging the right way
Straddle her back, but don’t sit on her! Hold your own weight. Pour some oil into your hands and warm it up then apply it to her upper back area, in a few seconds touch her bra and then say “can I undo this, it’s getting in the way”.
You undo it and then watch to see if she keeps it on but unhooked or if she throws it to the side. Obviously the second option is good and suggests she is more ready to get physical with you.
Spend a good ten minutes working on her upper back and shoulders. The most important thing here is that the rhythm is right. It needs to be slow and smooth in the rhythm of the track above. If it’s too fast, you kill the sexy vibe completely. You can also ask her if the pressure is okay.
Then you can move to the lower back and her sides. Optionally you can do the arms and hands, the hands are quite a nice area to massage, they are sensitive and it’ll feel good.
Finally we want to shuffle down and start working on the legs and feet. Obviously start low. Bend the first leg and start working on her foot and lower leg, spend some time here then do the other foot.
Turn up the heat and sexually escalate
Now is the key part, work your hands slowly up one leg, one hand on the inside and one on the outside, get to the top and then turn the hand that is close to her p^$$y away at the last moment so that is slides past and ends up closer to her ass.
If you repeat this 5-10 times on each side, she will have a heightened feeling of anticipation each time the hands approach but just miss or slightly brush her p^$$y.
Nearly there! By now, you should have some signs of being turned on from her, sticking her ass up towards you, moaning, etc. You can start to massage her ass as the last step. Next I’d suggest you go back to massaging her shoulders and then get close to her and kiss her on the cheek as you are massaging her shoulders, then start kissing her on the lips.
Transition from massaging and sitting on top, to lying next to her and kissing her. You can continue to touch her and kiss her. She is already fully undressed apart from her panties and turned on a lot too. You are in your shorts. And you are both in bed. It’s as on as it ever could be.
There you have it guys. So get out there and buy that massage oil, find the music, get your candles, and get ready to have some fun times.
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Didn’t have the music, or the date but spent a lot of time on her an it worked a treat. My other half has anxiety at the moment so I was very professional about it all an we had a great night to.
This sounds like some kid’s fantasy. In reality, when you start getting touchy feely putting your arm around her at the bar/restaurant you’ll creep her out lol.
I did a fantastic massage one time. Went through the entire DiCarlo Escalation Ladder, i.e. massaging hands, then arms, feet, legs, back, then brushed her hair, then kissing. It might have taken an hour to kiss. That was our first kiss, and we had a GREAT night after that.
Damn, I was getting hot just reading that. Great tips, Gambler.
Hey, Richard, I really enjoy your tips, they always work for me. I think you are the smoothest PUA out there. I don’t know if you really care for the girls you seduce, but it seems to me that you do; you pay too much attention to detail, and that is the true secret for being a perfect Don Juan.
Regards from Colombia.