How To Deal With An Aggressive AMOG (Without Busting His Head Open) Using These AMOG Tactics

Let's show them who the big boys really is...

Let’s show them who the big boys really is…

Oooooooo, those damn amogs.

So incredibly annoying.

But having said that, I actually don’t mind them too much these days. Why you might ask?

Well because they keep me on top of my game. I know that I will outwit, out game and out maneuver those punks any day of the week. [Read more…]

5 Reasons Why You Need To Get Ripped… Hint: You Get More Girls

…Can you imagine the women you’d get looking like this?

I have a friend who is ripped.

I mean SUPER ripped… like he’s just stepped off a front cover shoot for Men’s Health.

So as you can imagine, he get’s laid… a lot. Women find these qualities attractive, not because they look good, but it displays confidence, self-assurance, health and vitality.

I’ve been with him in bars and women have actually approached him, opened him and flirted openly just because he has a great body… with bulging abs and then gone home with him at the end of the night. [Read more…]