A Truthful Guide To Penis Enlargement Surgery – Is It Worth It?

A significant amount of male culture is tied to penis size. While men often joke about the size of their penis, this is also a source of both self-confidence and self-esteem. Men who have a small penis could be concerned about their performance in the bedroom.

Penis Enlargement Surgery

Seriously thinking about going under the knife? Think again.

Those who need proof simply need to take a look at the multitude of television commercials that play on these exact points as they reference ways to get a bigger dick.

There are penis pills sold all of the time that promote penis enlargement. Some men even tie weights to their penis in an effort to stretch it. [Read more…]

Am I Being Catfished? How To Tell if Your Online Date is Fake

In the past, you could only interact with those close to their physical location. However, the internet has changed human interaction significantly.

Am I being catfished?

Girls can be anyone they want online… be VERY cautious.

With social networks like Facebook and online dating platforms like Tinder, you can connect with strangers from miles away. Unfortunately, the convenient outlets also come with scams. Cat fishing is one of the most common ones. [Read more…]

What Is The Best Penis Pump? The Top 5 Penis Pumps

Do you want to grow your penis without risking the side effects of penis enlargement fixes?

One in five men feels unsatisfied with their penis sizes. Penis pumps can give you the enlargement closest to natural, though it’s not a permanent fix.  With a penis pump, your greatest risk is bruising on your penis, and that’s if you used it on an already injured penis.

Best penis pumps

What are top rated male enhancement pumps right now?

Though penis pumps are some of the safest solutions for penis growth, you want to get the best penis pump for you. Below, we have a list of 5 of the best penis pumps on the market. Read on to know which one will suit you best. [Read more…]

How to Cum More (in Both Volume and Quantity): A Tell-All Guide For Men Who Want More!

Believe it or not, almost 70 percent of people between 13 and 24 enjoy watching pornography at least once a week. Does this sound familiar, you horny little devil? If that’s the case, then chances are that you’ve also wondered how to bust a HUGE load right?

How to cum more: Girl drinking milk

Learn how to cum mores, so you explode… instead of dribble on your girl.

Be honest: do you want a bigger load for you or to make every girl you bang go “Holy crap that’s a lot of cum” as she wipes it from her face? Yeah, I already know which one you are :) This guide is going to teach you EXACTLY how to naturally increase your semen volume so you can paint as many faces as you like.

If you’re one of those impatient men that needs results NOW. Then you should grab yourself a bottle of these. You should see an increase in semen volume within weeks.

Anyway, onto the guide…
[Read more…]

Male Extra Review 2020: Does It Really Give You Bigger, Harder Erections? [Truth Revealed]

In this Male Extra review I explain what taking this male enhancement supplement for 30 days did to my body; and my dick. I just took Male Extra and no other erection pills or anything like that. So did it really work? Well let’s just say I was in for a BIG surprise…

Screenshot of Male Extra website.

Trusted by men to give them results quickly since 2009.

First things first, let me give you my overview and rating and I’ll go into details further on in the article. Stick around, because there are things I wish I knew before buying these penis enlargement pills that other reviewers definitely didn’t add! [Read more…]

Too Proud to Beg? How to Nab Sexy Nude Selfies From Girls (Without Begging!)

Here’s the deal. Up to 33 percent of people between the ages of 18 and 24 admit to sending at least one sext in their lives. Whether it’s a text or a video, it’s always fun to get a girl to send you nudes.

Hot girl taking a naked selfie.

Want nudes like this?

Not sure how to get nude selfies? If so, I’m here to help.

Let’s be honest: what guy doesn’t love getting sexy nude selfies? Well today you’re going to learn how to get a girl to send nudes without having to grovel (yes, it’s possible!). [Read more…]

PEBible Review: How I Enlarged My Dick by 1.4 Inches In 6 Weeks And You Can Too

An in-depth PEBible review, discussing the all natural penis enlargement guide created by John Colins. Do the techniques in this guide work and is it worth the money?

Screenshot of PE Bible

Learn the secrets that pornstars use to get bigger and stronger erections while on set.

Check out PE Bible >>

Summary Price: $47
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There are many different techniques you can use to get a bigger dick, knowing which method, technique or route to take is another story altogether. PE Bible is packed full of all-natural techniques that you can use in the comfort of your own home to add between 1-4 inches within weeks.

User Review
3.43 (7 votes)

PEBible Review

I’ve had the guide for a little over three months now and I must say I’m very surprised at the level of detail it goes into with each technique. [Read more…]

How To Make Your Own Antibacterial Homemade Hand Sanitizer

IMPORTANT NOTE: Before we start, if you think you might be experiencing symptoms and want to check if you have the COVID-19 virus (Coronavirus) then you should go to: covidhomekits.com immediately.

Hi guys!

Val Dodds here.

Today, we’re going to be making our own antibacterial hand sanitizer that you can make from home using a few simple ingredients.

First thing is to get the ingredients, so let’s do that. [Read more…]

What is the Best CBD Oil for Anxiety? Top 7 Oils Reviewed

What is the best CBD oil for anxiety on the market?

I’ve reviewed the ten most popular oils that are intended to put you in an instant state of relaxation, which suppresses the biggest problem most guys have with women, the dreaded approach anxiety.

Man using a CBD oil with a tincture.

Your guide to the best CBD oil for anxiety

If you suffer from anxiety when you’re around women (especially pretty ones) then using an aid to help battle the nerves is a must. [Read more…]

How To Regrow Foreskin In 8-12 Months Naturally (+ Foreskin Restoration Results)

In this guide, I’m going to show you how to regrow foreskin, so that it covers the head of your penis entirely.

Foreskin restoration sounds like a ridiculous concept on the face of it. While circumcision is slowly falling out of favor in many Western countries, most people believe that once a man is circumcised, there’s no way for him to recover his foreskin.

Foreskin Restoration Techniques

Can’t ejaculate during sex? Try re-growing your foreskin.

However, it is possible to regain foreskin functionality in as little as under a year using noninvasive, safe techniques. Here’s why you should consider foreskin restoration and how you can do it safely and easily. [Read more…]