Comments on: 4 Seduction Styles That Get You Laid Mastery With Women and Dating Tue, 15 Dec 2020 05:43:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Julo Wed, 03 Feb 2016 00:57:08 +0000 Cool, I personally like the style 2, although I still do not master it, but I want to look good in this style … this really is one of my challenges, I am a kind of very serious guy, I have tried to be more charismatic, more fun and funny and a little arrogant to balance, but not me seems so easy in practice, but I will try to apply these ideas to see if it improves my humor.Prestar more tension in the conversation can help, since we can play with or something situational occasional, every moment can be a good opportunity to be more relaxed. What else I bequeath to have a good mood and be funny, it is that with it if you can break the ice easier, helps to break that tension between agent and the girl. I have entered the field and tested to improve my game.
