Wanna get laid week in week out with a different girl in any country or city you visit?
Of course you do.
Today I’m going to show you EXACTLY how… because I’ve been doing this successfully since 2009.
4 years ago I decided that I wanted to travel more as I’d been living in London for a while and it was getting a bit boring… you know, same clubs… people… lifestyle… food… area blah blah.
After planning to travel for only a few months, it actually ended up being 11 months for the first year, then I came home for a month and did the same thing again the next year.
Over those 4 years I developed a kind of blueprint for rocking up to a completely new town in any country and ending up with knowing the coolest people there, which gave me direct access to the hottest women… anytime I wanted.
I like to call it my… Lifestyle Engineering Blueprint.
And it’s worked for me in every city I’ve visited… Moscow, Rio, New York… the list goes on.
All you need to do is follow the tips below, use them in the next town… city or country you’re in and start getting laid. It’s that simple.
Who is this “lifestyle engineering blueprint” useful for?
Well I can see two types of guys this would be perfect for…
- Guys who want to make the most of the place they are already living
- Guys who travel a lot and want to attract more women naturally
Regardless of which type of guy you are, you’re still going to build a huge social circle of cool men and hot women, which will provide you with endless opportunities to get laid.
1. Go to a busy bar or club
Note: If you’re not a bar or club type of guy, then you can skip to step two… however it will take you longer to build a social circle.
Look for cool guys
You need to have cool guys in your social circle. They not only make you happy and naturally make you cooler, they’ve also got a natural ability to attract other cool people.
These guys will always know the best spots to go in town… the most popular bars and clubs. They can give you some tips and can also be amazing wingmen when you start talking to women with them.
Buddy up
Now you’ve found some cool guys, you want to get in with them and make them your friends… I know this sounds a little odd, but trust me it works like a charm.
The best way to do this is to either compliment them on what they’re wearing or ask them if this is a good place to be on that given night. So that you don’t come across as a gay dude, you should comment on how hot the girls are in the bar/club.
Offer to buy i’m a drink or introduce him to girls
2. Find some hobbies
Hobbies are great for learning something new which not only enhances your reference points, meaning you can use these in conversation with a girl, but they also force you to meet new people.
Plus it’s a way of meeting girls outside of the typical clubs and bars.
I usually go for something like a language course, fitness class (yoga, spinning etc) dancing or anything that would have a ton of women.
Then all you need to do is go to these classes, introduce yourself to the girls… befriend them and invite them out to the bars and clubs you are going to with your new friends.
Lifestyle engineering blueprint rules:
Avoid at all costs… all you get here are loud drunk guys and ugly girls.
- Don’t go to the tourist locations – Avoid all tourist locations, like Irish pubs for example that see to be in every town all over the world. They will be full of the wrong kind of folks and will have the worst types of girls in.
- Only speak to locals – Locals know the area, the language and are your shortcut to building a great life for the next few months. Why would you bother speaking to anyone but a local?
- Keep mixing your new friends – Every time you meet a new cool guy or hot girl, introduce them to each other… bring them out to the bars and clubs. This is how you develop a big social circle and get to know people.
- Have more than one hobby – The more hobbies you have, the more opportunities you will get to meet attractive women.
- Stay in one location for a few months – I used to move around a lot at first, then I realised that building a solid social circle takes several weeks, so you should aim to stay in that one place for at least 2 months if not longer.
So that’s it! Simple right?
That’s a quick overview of how the blueprint works… but it’s incredibly powerful once you use it properly, it’s the only way you’re ever going to meet beautiful girls without having a million in the bank.
Aside from building a social circle, you NEED to know how to seduce the girls within your social circle otherwise it’s useless knowing them and you’ll be banged up in the friend zone forever. Watch this video and learn my techniques on being more sexual.
You should also read:
I used some of these techniques just to go out to Vegas for the weekend. I was able to get in the sound booth and make friends with some of the guys running the Calvin Harris show at this amazing club. After i was in good with them i could bring any girl in there and I basically had my pick of the hottest women I have ever seen.
Thank you so much! Wouldve never thought of doing anything like that.
Hi Rich,
thanks for this tips, but I have a relevant question.
I’ve been gaming in clubs for 2 years already, and been straggling with this issue of meeting the cool guys for a long time (unless you’re friends with them before) ,
The cool guys I see in the parties are the club promoters or very good looking guys that ALREADY has access to the 9’s and the 10’s that are around them.
It’s not clear to me why would they need you to get them girls (because they already have them) or why would they need to befriend with another player, that will compete with them on the girls they have.
I will really appreciate your response
A promoter for example gets paid to bring girls to the club. You can ask him “can I bring some hot girls in on your list next time?” and then daygame some girls and text him their names to add them to his list. Then the girls get in for free and party on his table. He gets money. He likes you. If you can help him get laid, and be a good wingman, you are not competing. If you give a guy money or girls, or both, obviously he’ll like you ;-) My friends are good with girls and it doesn’t mean competition, it means everyone gets better results, because we work together.
Hi Rich
Great video, i do the same when i travel to LATAM.
DO you find that girls in different parts of the world are DIFFERENT to English girls?
I used to live in London for 5 years and I didnt really like the girls there, but when i went to south america, i find that the girls are more interesting and easy to connect with.
Also, do you stay in hostels? if not where do you stay? I was in peru and did not really like the hostel experience as it was packed with gringo backpackers (whom i dont find attractive). In rio it was better as even hostels were expensive (25 pounds a night for a dorm bed, hotel is around 150 pounds in zona sul). I have stayed in friend’s house in Brazil. And also how do you overcome the language barrier? (I have studied portuguese for 1 year and still find it hard). If you travel to places like Russia or Brazil, you gonna need portugeuse and russian, as NO ONE speaks english there.
Gotta say you come out with some gems. For years when I go anywhere I chat to everyone and this really is the best way to increase your social circle. I’ve just come out of a 10 year relationship so I’m kind of down in the dumps at the moment. I was just thinking why don’t you have a feature on your site where people can hookup with other wings around the local area where they are based, so that they’ve got people to go out with??
Hey Richard, Excellent advice. I kept thinking this is also apllicable to the usual town your in in some ways as well. Cheers, Mick
Hey man are you coming to Kiev? I’m from Italy but i live there right now, we could meet up.
I’m part of an international student organisation so where ever I go I always get locals to to show me around the cool and non-touristy places. Thanks for the info it will be useful at places where the organisation isn’t present.
By the way I’m 80% sure that your secret location is Moldova but there’s a slight chance that it may be Ukraine, my prediction is based on the features of the girl, I’ve spent a lot of time in both countries and the girls there are stunning.
I liked the blue print. Nice easy to follow steps most of which could be reproducible by people looking to enlarge their social circle in general.
Big like
Im not sure about you Richard, but when I lived in Mexico City, there were TONS of hot local Mexicanas rotating in and out of the Starbucks near the house I lived at. But ofcourse, I sure as hell wasnt going to go scope McDonalds lol
Hey man,
Great video, as usual.
I’ve learnt all the MM stuff and all, followed a lot of others PUA websites and… I think your work is the one that suits me best.
Hope Stealth Attraction will be as good as I hope to.
Anyway, do you realize how much you can change peoples live with this video ?!?
I will never be alone again in a new city, that’s awsome, thanks a lot !!
That video was very insightful to me. Cute girl by the way.
Great tips. Thanks for the tip of disqualifying gay when talking to guys, that is my sticking point.
maybe you’re gay?
I personally think you give the best tips and guidelines for any guy to follow. I have always been very shy but by reading the newsletter and videos, I have become more open and willing to try out the different techniques. Thanks so much !!!!!