Girls on demand… It’s easy dude.
Are you kidding me? Adult dating sites??
Yep, you read that right.
I know this may be a bit of a “dodgy” topic to talk about because online adult dating sites have been tarnished as hooker peddling, crazy person platforms… but I’ve been assured by a close friend of mine that they are the real deal.
…well “some” of them are anyway.
So I get a call from a friend I’ve known a while (like 5 years or so) on a Sunday evening and before I can even say hello, he says…
“I’ve cracked it! I’ve f**king cracked it dude!”
So my first natural response was…
“Huh? Cracked what you nutter?”
He ranted on about how he’d been playing around with these seedy dating sites for months, paying hundreds of dollars, just trying to see if there were any girls on there he could bang.
Well as you can imagine… nothing happened.
He contacted tons of women, but nothing happened… not one response from a single girl in months.
He almost gave up… almost.
After about a minute of him excitedly telling me how he just had sex with a hot blonde in a hotel 10 minutes away from his apartment (WITHOUT paying for it)… I asked him…
“So how did you do it?”
I have to admit I WAS curious. I mean I’m not the sought of guy that will ever use these types of sites, but I’m still a man and being able to hook up with a girl for one night with no strings attached (that you don’t pay) does seem interesting.
After calming himself down, he eventually gave me the exact steps he’d used to get 6 girls into bed within just 8 days of using it.
But here’s the best part…
It’s freaking easy.
I mean, stupid proof. All it took was a few tweaks to his profile and intro messages and that was it… he was getting consistent responses from women wanting to meet him for sex.
So here it is. His exact system.
The reason I decided to post it here is because I get messages from guys all the time asking me if I’ve ever tried an adult site and if they are real, so makes sense to put it up.
IMPORTANT: This system works… however if you want to learn some advanced techniques that will allow you to sleep with as many women as you like on a daily or weekly basis, then you should check this out.
Let’s get into it.
The 4 step system
This simple system should be followed to the letter.
1. Sign up for the free trials
Get an account with the best adult dating sites and use their free trial to snoop around the site. NEVER pay anything upfront, you want to see if the girls are hot and if the accounts seem real.
Also if the ratio of men to women is good. There’s no point in adding your profile to a site that has millions of men on there and only a few thousand women. You’ll get swallowed up in no time.
Take notes on which site you liked best based on the following:
- Quality of women
- Number of men to women
- Ease of use
- Profile elements (what you can add to enhance your profile i.e videos, multiple photos etc)
2. Setup your profile correctly
Once you’ve picked the best site from your research, you need to take some time with setting up your profile properly.
This is where most guys fail. They either put crappy nonsense in their profile with outdated pictures or they write sappy things that don’t belong on sites like these. Remember women are here for “casual sex” too, don’t scare them away with romance rubbish.
Profile elements you need to nail:
- Profile picture – Needs to be updated every month and should be taken within the last month. Nothing saucy, just a profile shot showing you from the waist up so girls can see your face. To get the best responses from girls, you should test to see which photo gets viewed the most and what girls like. I’d recommend uploading several shots to Hot or Not and using the one that gets ranked highest.
- Other pictures – You need a variety of normal shots. Some of you smiling, posing, top off, out with friends etc. DO NOT post any of you naked with a boner. I know this sounds dumb but it’s too much, even on these sites. Women like to get warmed up and think about what’s under your boxers, if it’s just there hanging around like a wet fish, it leaves nothing to the imagination.
- Video – Some sites allow you to post videos. I would advise you create a short 30 second clip of you talking into a webcam. Just say that you’re looking to meet up with a “normal” girl who wants to have a bit of fun… nothing freaky ;)
- About you – Be truthful, playful and and honest. So say something like “Are you a freak in the bedroom young lady? Then I’d like to hear from you ;) I’m looking for a little fun and to spice things up in the bedroom, be gentle.. I’m new to this.
- Sexual interests – Specify what you want from a girl and what you like to do, don’t be too graphic. Think 50 shades of grey when writing this stuff, not sicko porn.
Basically the more NORMAL and REAL you seem on your profile the more women will click on it and contact you, or just reply to your message after seeing it.
The ideal adult dating site profile
These are the parts you NEED to focus on…
The most important areas on your profile.
3. Start contacting girls
When you’re happy with your profile. Then you can start contacting girls, here are a few rules to stick to when getting in touch:
Make them WANT to read your message
Play around with subject line and spend some time on it, this is what they will read first and will make them either click/read or delete straight away.
The subject line needs to do the following:
- Make them laugh
- Raise curiosity
- Be compelling
Here’s an example of a great subject and a terrible subject:
Bad subject line
Hey cutie, love your tits :)
Good subject line
WARNING: (Cute Guy Alert) – Fancy Meeting Me This Friday?
Which one do you think a girl would click? Obviously the second because it makes them laugh, raises curiosity and compels them to click.
4. Keeping track / meetups
If you really want to get serious with this system and turn it into a “girl-getting machine” then you should keep track of who you’ve contacted, what you said and if you’ve met them.
The best way to do this is with an excel spreadsheet.
Simple spreadsheet for keeping organised with girls.
In the sheet you need the following:
- Name – Name of the girl you contacted
- Date – Date and time you contacted her
- Message – The message you sent her
- Replied – Has she replied?
- Number – Her phone number… you don’t want hundreds in your phone right?
- Hooked up – Did you hook up? Could turn into a shag buddy.
- Notes – Is this hot? Is she a freak between the sheets? Keep note of what she’s about.
I know this may seem a little strange at first, but trust me it’s for organisational purposes and will pay off.
Adult dating sites to avoid
Yep, believe it or not there are some online dating sites you need to stay away from, they will just waste your time.
- Adult Friend Finder – Apparently this is the largest, but also sucks the most. Full of perverted men.
- Craigslist – It’s free which is a bad sign (don’t use free dating sites), Gumtree shut down their casual encounter section because it was 90% fake postings… Plus it’s full of hookers and funny farm escapees.
How to tell if an account is fake (checklist)
There are a few things you can do to tell if an account is fake or not. This helps to prevent you from wasting time on hookers and accounts that are set up by scammers.
Don’t be too concerned though, the top sites get screened constantly by support teams to prevent fake accounts, so they are very few and far between.
Here’s how to tell:
- Do they show their face? If they don’t then it’s because they are either shy or they are working girls who don’t want to be recognised.
- Is their English REALLY bad? There’s nothing wrong with broken English, but if it says something like “I like good time with hot men..” then you should probably stay away.
- Did they contact you with a very forward message? If they messaged you asking to meet up and seemed very forward, there is a chance it might be fake. Even though the girls on these sites are looking to get laid, they are still reserved because they get TONS of men emailing them every day.
Right then. There you have it folks, that’s how to setup a constant stream of “sex dates” with horny chicks.
Ever wondered what the founder of OK cupid knows about dating and becoming a master of the online dating game? Well, now’s your chance.
What are your thoughts on dating sites for singles? Have you tried them and failed or have you gotten anything from them?
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Nah man this actually works, the worst thing you can do is go onto one of these sites and bulk message girls with propositions for sex, I find the best approach is to act slightly cautious, have a fairly neutral intial message adn once you get a bite then start to heat it up a little, dont assume that everyone on there is going to instancty respond to yet another “im near you, we both want to fuck…lets make it happen” type message, far greater is the “Hi im new to this site, recently out of a long term relationship and looking to meet someone interesting” play on the profile that your reading, see what interests them and slip a little of that into the message, be clever, have some game and if you get blown out then onto the next one, I think a 1 out of 3 converstion rate of replys to messages sent is a good result
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Stumbled across this article and decided to see if it would give me some perspective. Although online dating still seems weird and I prefer real life interaction. Of course if I could set up a good profile and let it do some work for me, perhaps I could double my results. How can I ease the discomfort of online dating and justify it to some of the women in my life who might find it strange?
Hmm not sure about this as i seem to have the impossible chance of getting a girl from regular dating sites like pof let alone these type of sites, i have always been told that getting girls from regular sites are better for hooking up then the hookup sites.
This was a great blog! I actually took notes. I recently learned how to build rapport with women on these types of sites. What I discovered is that if you take an actual interest in her and make her feel comfortable conversating with you, it will usually lead to sex. Or at least sexting.
This looks amazing I look forward to learning how to be a pau.
Wanting a steady stream of similarly minded chicks in my life, I tried a couple recently just prior to discovering your work. In my estimation 30% of the profiles are actually real people wanting to get laid. The remainder of the profiles are either scammers attempting to drive traffic to web-cam sites ect. or ‘entertainment’ fluff. What I mean by that is the profiles are created by someone likely employed by the site to “entertain” dick tease you to keep you paying the monthly fee or whatever. These profiles are the super sexy profiles with as you mentioned faces overtly displayed and screaming for sex in their profiles. My guess is that these profiles are nothing more than bought / leased bulk porn photography operated by an overweight, undersexed employee of the site. I’ve had better luck doing everything else. I will say though, all of the sexually charged emailing forced me to discover that my vernacular in that arena was likely on par with a teenager. Weak point identified… I’m now closing that gap writing short stories sexual in nature and getting feedback from very good writers in the blogosphere. Thanks for putting this post out. I was really frustrated with the covert methods of the two sites I was a member of. I’ve just decided to use a mainstream free site which actually works. I’m also knee deep in the works of Mystery, Savoy & Gambler. You guys very clearly rock. I can see my self attending a bootcamp in the not to distant future. Thanks for all you do. -C