How To Fuck Up A Stripper In 8 Steps – The Ultimate Insiders Guide To Picking Up Strippers

So you want to know how to fuck a stripper huh? Well then. Lock the door… grab an ice cold beer from the fridge and slide that pot of vaseline to one side young man.

Today you’re going to be initiated into the big leagues.

Photo of a girls bum with the words "how to fuck a stripper".

Some of the finest women you’ll ever meet.

How you may ask?

Well I’m going to show you EXACTLY how to pickup a stripper and bang her, without spending thousands on dances, lavish drinks or going to the same club for years.

That’s right big boy, a REAL life smokin hot stripper! [Read more…]

How To Woo A Woman Like Casanova: 10 Life Lessons From The Worlds Greatest Ever Seducer

The man… the myth… legend!

You’ve heard the name a thousand times… and know Casanova was the greatest seducer the western world has ever seen.

But what you might not know is that Giacomo Casanova was not only a womaniser, he was a renowned gambler, necromancer (magic involving the deceased), swashbuckler (noisy and boastful sword fighting), poet and a self confession bon vivant. [Read more…]

How To Attract Asian Women: A Simple Guide To Meeting And Dating Asian Women

More of a western Asian girl.

Who the hell wants to learn how to attract Asian women?! Quite a few guys actually…

I’m expecting this topic to raise a lot of questions and also controversy as Asian girls seem to be on the top of a lot of fetish lists for guys these days.

Not only are they some of the most exotic and attractive women in the world, they are also very clean, polite and respectful… which can’t be said for a lot of western women. [Read more…]