{"id":8210,"date":"2018-10-01T19:58:31","date_gmt":"2018-10-01T19:58:31","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.puatraining.com\/?p=8210"},"modified":"2020-12-14T05:39:09","modified_gmt":"2020-12-14T05:39:09","slug":"21-slut-flags","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.puatraining.com\/21-slut-flags\/","title":{"rendered":"21 Ways to Spot if a Girl is Promiscuous… and Not Worth Pursuing"},"content":{"rendered":"

It\u2019s no secret that modern society encourages women to be sluts and even outright gold diggers<\/a>. A constant torrent of you-go-grrl propaganda, feminist ideology, and technology encourages women to be promiscuous. While a slut might be fun for a night or two, you don\u2019t want to shack up with one since it will just end in misery for you.<\/strong><\/p>\n


These hoes aint loooyal!<\/p><\/div>\n

Here are 21 easy ways you can tell if a woman is a slut…<\/p>\n

1. She\u2019s constantly posting pictures of herself on social media<\/strong><\/h2>\n

If your girl is doing this…. wow.<\/p><\/div>\n

While social media<\/a> sites encourage narcissistic behavior in men and women, these sites attract sluts like garbage dumps attract buzzards. Sluts are sluts in part because they crave constant validation, and they use social media sites like Instagram<\/a> and Snapchat to soak up attention and compliments from lonely men they don\u2019t even know.<\/p>\n

When you start dating a girl, be sure to give her social media profiles the once over. If they\u2019re filled with nothing but selfies and pics of herself in low-cut clothing, traveling in exotic locales, or partying in bars or clubs, she\u2019s likely a slut.<\/p>\n

2. She has lots of platonic male friends<\/strong><\/h2>\n

They’re just friends? Sure they are!<\/p><\/div>\n

While there\u2019s nothing wrong with being friends with someone of the opposite sex, sluts collect male friends like a snowball collects dirt while rolling down a hill.<\/p>\n

Because of their need for validation, sluts gather lots of male friends in order to use them for attention, gulping up their compliments, fishing for sympathy, and dangling the promise of sex in front of their faces to keep them in line. Having lots of male friends also allows her to cushion the blow of a breakup, allowing her to leap into the arms of another man when she breaks up with her current beau.<\/p>\n

In general, it\u2019s not normal for a person to have a large amount of friends of the opposite sex. If a woman feels the need to surround herself with men, it\u2019s an indicator that she\u2019s addicted to attention and will cheat on you at the drop of a hat. Next her and let her orbiters deal with her pity parades.<\/p>\n

3. She has a poor relationship with her father (and, to a lesser extent, with her family in general.)<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Hate her dad or entire family? Run bro….<\/p><\/div>\n

It\u2019s a clich\u00e9, but it\u2019s the truth: women who have bad relationships with their fathers<\/a> tend to become sluts, because they lack a strong masculine presence to tell them right from wrong. Many sluts were raised in broken homes, as their mothers lacked the ability to rein in their daughters\u2019 worst impulses.<\/p>\n

Additionally, even if a woman\u2019s family is intact, if she still has a bad relationship with her father, you should be wary<\/a> of her. If she doesn\u2019t respect<\/a> the most important man in her family, how can she possibly respect other men?<\/p>\n

4. She has tattoos, piercings, or other body modifications, or dyes her hair an unnatural color such as blue<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Yuck yuck and double yuck.<\/p><\/div>\n

This one is a no-brainer, though not necessarily for the reasons you think. Tattoos and piercings (aside from earrings) indicate novelty-seeking, attention-seeking, a lack of future time orientation, and an unnatural comfort with having foreign objects pierce one\u2019s skin: all signs of a slut. However, on a more serious level, tattoos and piercings indicate that a woman has narcissism or another cluster-B personality disorder.<\/p>\n

In the HBO TV show Girls<\/a>, Lena Dunham\u2019s character claims in one episodes that she got tattoos because she began gaining weight in college and the tattoos were an attempt to assert control over her body.<\/p>\n

Tattoos and piercings are an attempt to hide the body as it is and force people to only look at what the woman wants them to see, an indicator of potential psychological problems. See also: the shocking number of women who will get tattoos in order to be perpetually reminded of some traumatic event in their past (such as a relative dying).<\/p>\n

As for girls who dye their hair like clowns, they too are known for sleeping around. There\u2019s a reason why many prey animals, such as poisonous frogs, are brightly-colored: it\u2019s a sign to would-be predators not to take a bite.<\/p>\n

This is one of the major signs a woman is damaged goods<\/a>.<\/span><\/p>\n

5. She\u2019s a smoker, an alcoholic, or otherwise drinks a lot<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Why would she ruin her health like that?<\/p><\/div>\n

Again, another no-brainer. Alcohol lowers inhibitions and is often used by slutty women to behave in ways that they would be too ashamed to engage in while sober. After all, if she blacks out after cheating on her boyfriend, as far as she\u2019s concerned, it didn\u2019t happen. Women who drink enough to morph into full-blown alcoholics are absolute monsters to deal with.<\/p>\n

Like excessive drinking, women who smoke\u2014and thus open themselves up to the health problems that smoking causes\u2014are likely to engage in other types of risky behavior, such as casual sex.<\/p>\n

6. She\u2019s 40 or older and unmarried<\/strong><\/h2>\n

You go girl. Show those titties.<\/p><\/div>\n

Despite the war between the sexes and the other issues with relationships in the modern era, most people tend to pair up by their late thirties.<\/p>\n

This means that women who aren\u2019t married or in some kind of relationship by that point have some serious mental or other problems, which are strongly correlated with sluttiness. Additionally, because women become less attractive as they age, older women generally act sluttier in order to compensate for their fading looks.<\/p>\n

7. She uses drugs (illegal or otherwise)<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Does she like drugs?<\/p><\/div>\n

It\u2019s not surprising that women who use cocaine, ecstasy, heroin, or other illegal drugs are loose, but legal drugs don\u2019t get off the hook here, either. Record numbers of women are prescribed antidepressants<\/a> or antipsychotics such as Zoloft and Klonopin in order to stave off mental illness and help them function on a day-to-day basis. These drugs cause mood alterations and memory problems, particularly when combined with alcohol and other substances.<\/p>\n

Think about it this way: if a woman can\u2019t manage her daily life without pills, how reliable can she be as a girlfriend<\/a> or wife? These kinds of girls are headcases known for erratic behavior, including being slutty. Avoid them.<\/p>\n

8. She suffers from mental illness<\/strong><\/h2>\n

It’s not a phase. She’s nuts.<\/p><\/div>\n

Statistics show that a shocking percentage of women in Western countries suffer from some kind of mental illness. For example, back in 2012, studies showed that 25 percent of American women were mentally ill<\/a>. Keep in mind that these statistics include all women, so the rates of mental illness for women in their teens, twenties, or thirties are likely even higher. There have also been countless news articles over the past few years about how depression among women is skyrocketing.<\/p>\n

Mentally unstable people are more likely to engage in erratic behavior, such as drug or alcohol abuse, suicide attempts, and sexual promiscuity. Getting involved with a mentally ill woman is a guarantee that your relationship will end in infidelity.<\/p>\n

9. She is overweight or obese<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Fat girls… really?<\/p><\/div>\n

This may seem paradoxical, but women who are overweight<\/a> are reported as having more sexual partners on average than women with a healthy body weight. This is because the same lack of impulse control that leads a woman to stuff her face until she blimps up also leads her to sleep around with men at the drop of a hat.<\/p>\n

Contrary to popular wisdom, attractive and skinny women are more faithful and less likely to slut it up. While slumming it with a chubbier or less attractive girl than you\u2019d like might seem like a good idea, you\u2019re more likely to find a slut swimming in those blubbery waters.<\/p>\n

10. She\u2019s a feminist<\/strong><\/h2>\n


Again, this isn\u2019t too shocking, since feminism embraces unlimited female autonomy, encourages women to sleep around in the name of \u201cchoice,\u201d and ridicules men who prefer chaste women as engaging in \u201cslut-shaming.\u201d If a woman is a feminist, expecting fidelity from her is like expecting a skunk to not stink.<\/p>\n

11. She\u2019s bisexual or into \u201calternative lifestyles.\u201d<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Sounds good in your head, but in reality it’s VERY bad.<\/p><\/div>\n

It\u2019s a stereotype that bisexual people are promiscuous, but it\u2019s the truth: bisexual people report<\/a> considerably higher number of sexual partners than either straight or gay people. Additionally, studies show that bisexual women have higher sex drives on average than women who identify as straight or lesbian. Bisexuals are also more likely than straights or gays to suffer from mental illness and a greater percentage of them abuse drugs and alcohol.<\/p>\n

The mainstream media likes to sell the fantasy of bisexual women to men, but the reality of dating one is less porno threesomes and more rampant infidelity. While there\u2019s nothing wrong with being bisexual – and there is some scientific evidence to suggest that all women have bisexual tendencies – sluts are more likely to be found among women who don\u2019t identify as heterosexual.<\/p>\n

Similarly, if a girl is into BDSM, \u201ckink,\u201d polyamory, or some other weird sexual subculture, she\u2019s using it to rationalize slutty behavior. In particular, polyamory and open relationships are a way for women to formalize their promiscuity, since they have an easier time finding other men then their boyfriends will have in finding other women. Any woman who rejects monogamy does so as an excuse to indulge in her worst instincts.<\/p>\n

12. She is addicted to her smartphone<\/strong><\/h2>\n

She’s more addicted to her phone than YOU.<\/p><\/div>\n

Most everyone has a smartphone these days, but there\u2019s a fine line between using something because you need it and being addicted to it.<\/a><\/p>\n

If your girl is constantly on her smartphone whenever she has a bit of free time, surfing through Instagram likes and playing games, it shows that she\u2019s an attention junkie who is incapable of being alone with her own thoughts. Someone that addicted to attention is infinitely more likely to be a slut.<\/p>\n

13. She is fixated on pop culture, particularly \u201cfemale empowerment\u201d celebrities like Beyonce or Ariana Grande<\/strong><\/h2>\n

She’s your leader is she?<\/p><\/div>\n

Mainstream culture encourages women to be bossy and slutty, with female role models<\/a> like Miley Cyrus, Beyonce, and Ariana Grande singing songs of slut empowerment and celebrating promiscuity. Any woman who idolizes celebrities, celebrities like these in particular, will emulate their behavior, making them specimens you want to avoid.<\/p>\n

14. She\u2019s an athlete<\/strong><\/h2>\n

When she’s this thicc… it’s not for your benefit dude.<\/p><\/div>\n

Women who are seriously into sports or other athletics have higher testosterone than the average girl, which translates into more aggressiveness and a higher sex drive. Additionally, athletic women have easy access to male athletes, who are themselves highly desirable and have strong sex drives.<\/p>\n

15. She sleeps with you on the first date<\/strong><\/h2>\n

The biggest flag you will ever see.<\/p><\/div>\n

You may think it\u2019s flattering if a girl is willing to go home with you on the first date because it seems like you have good game, but beware: even if she says she \u201cdoesn\u2019t usually do this,\u201d don\u2019t believe her. She\u2019s done it before with numerous guys and you\u2019re just another notch on her belt.<\/p>\n

16. She\u2019s a single mother<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Single mom power! YAY!<\/p><\/div>\n

Again, this is a no-brainer. Single mothers<\/a> are single mothers because they lack impulse control and sleep with men without a thought as to the consequences. Beware, as she may try to ensnare you into a pregnancy or try to make you into a surrogate father for her little brat.<\/p>\n

17. She loves to travel, particularly to locations known for sexually aggressive men (such as France or Italy)<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Her: I just want to travel and bang random hot guys baby (prolly)<\/p><\/div>\n

Solo traveling is a major red flag for sluttiness, since international travel allows women to sleep around without worrying about ruining their reputations back home. Many girls will often sleep with men in exchange for free places to stay on CouchSurfing and other websites.<\/p>\n

In particular, countries such as France or Italy that are romanticized by women are prime indicators of sluttiness, since these nations are perceived as being more sexually liberated than the supposedly stultifying U.S. or U.K.<\/p>\n

Not only that, under no circumstances should you ever shack up with a woman who has backpacked through party locales like Thailand or Brazil. When you see that gross bun on top of a female backpacker\u2019s head, you know that girl has slept with a dozen men without showering.<\/p>\n

18. She\u2019s involved in the arts scene (writer, musician, actress etc.)<\/strong><\/h2>\n

She’s soooooo cool. Bleh<\/p><\/div>\n

Artistically-inclined women may be able to woo you with their talent, but they\u2019re also more likely to sleep around then the average girl. Not only that, as the various #MeToo scandals have shown, actresses and other women in the arts will often sleep their way to the top, having sex with producers and directors in order to secure roles or contracts.<\/p>\n

19. She brings up the topic of sex first<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Take it like a real man.<\/p><\/div>\n

Sluts will often broach the topic of sex in a way that allows them to maintain plausible deniability. For example, if you\u2019re on a date and your girl says, \u201cI\u2019m not sleeping with you tonight,\u201d it means she\u2019s thinking about sleeping with you<\/a>; she vocalizes her desire not to in an attempt to talk herself out of what she really wants to do. And if a girl brings up topics like threesomes when you haven\u2019t even kissed, head for the exits.<\/p>\n

20. She\u2019s comfortable with unprotected sex, particularly on the first date<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Raw dog?? Hell nah!<\/p><\/div>\n

If a girl is so careless that she\u2019s willing to have raw-dog sex with a man she barely knows, it means she\u2019s done this countless times before. It also means she\u2019s a petri dish of venereal diseases.<\/p>\n

21. She has a lot of gay friends<\/strong><\/h2>\n

The more gay friends she has… the sluttier she is.<\/p><\/div>\n

So-called \u201cfag hags\u201d tend to be promiscuous because they imitate the habits of their gay besties. The average gay man has a partner count that makes even the most experience straight male player look like an incel, and since people are the sum of who they hang out, women who hang out around gays will be racking up the notches as well. (Similarly, if a woman\u2019s girlfriends are slutty<\/a>, it means she\u2019s almost certainly a slut).<\/p>\n

The Bottom Line<\/strong><\/h2>\n

If you\u2019ve noticed a theme in this article, it\u2019s that personality traits don\u2019t exist in a vacuum: if a person behaves in a certain way in one area of their life, they\u2019ll behave in similar ways in other areas. In the case of sluts, intemperate sexual behavior is usually accompanied by intemperate behavior<\/a> in general, whether it\u2019s drug or alcohol use, getting tattoos, overeating, or simply indulging in base pleasures all the time.<\/p>\n

Similarly, sluts can be identified by the company they keep. Women who run with other sluts, gay men, artists, or athletes will regress to the slutty mean. As the saying goes, when a good kid hangs out with a bad kid, the bad kid rarely, if ever, becomes good: the good kid almost always becomes bad.<\/p>\n

While one of the signs in this list doesn\u2019t necessarily make a woman a raging slut, they\u2019re demerits with regards to her character, and more than one of them should get you thinking twice. While women are free to behave however they want, so are men, and sluts have consistently been proven to be poor prospects for long-term relationships. If you want a roll in the hay, a slut is a good bet, but if you want a more substantive relationship, you\u2019ll have to look elsewhere.<\/p>\n


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