Comments on: Why Western Women Suck And How To Pick Up A Lovely Eastern European Lady Mastery With Women and Dating Sun, 13 Dec 2020 07:32:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: El Rey Thu, 10 Aug 2017 11:02:39 +0000 In reply to tjay.

Is there any other sites besides puatraining & returnofkings? Best 2 so far

By: Lucy Fri, 04 Aug 2017 20:04:22 +0000 In addition I would like to add that we should all be mindful of the not perhaps very helpful shift in society that has required women to have careers as opposed to their primary role being mother and wife. I for one am traditional with my values, but we don’t all get married young and we have to support ourselves before that time comes. I work 60-70 hours a week so it’s difficult to be an adoring girlfriend/wife on demand. I also think it’s a difficult transition for western men to adjust to seeing women as equals in the workplace. It’s not natural and is a relatively new situation. It’s not biologically right, but it would be helpful if the men could understand that it’s also not in our DNA as the first option. You all may we’ll be disappointed that we aren’t ‘behaving’ as you would like us to, but I can tell you that the majority of men do not know how to behave either. Seduction, chivalry, manners and respect are a lost art. When I have been lucky enough to find men with these qualities it has been mind blowing. It’s out there everyone, you just need to find the one. No matter where they are from.

By: Lucy Fri, 04 Aug 2017 19:54:57 +0000 In reply to Greg Dean.

Wow! Until I read Greg’s post I was thinking what a terrible state of affairs this world is in. Shame on all of you for generalising in such a way. We all have experienced the less attractive qualities of different races and we all know the stereotypes, but it shocking for me to read as an attractive, genuine, western woman that this is what western men are thinking. I whole heartedly agree in this day and age too many people lead unhealthy lives and don’t look after themselves, but there is also the other extreme. Where is the love? Leave your pre-conceptions at the door and see the person. There is good and bad behaviour in all walks and levels of life – it’s down to you to work out who is real or not. Swiping left or right and being judgemental is unacceptable. And also racist.

By: Alex Tue, 01 Aug 2017 13:18:15 +0000 Richard,

Happy 2 C U again, U’ve been quiet a bit lately…

And BTW,
100% AGREED!

By: tjay Thu, 27 Jul 2017 10:12:00 +0000 Looks like someone has been reading Roosh and Return of Kings

By: Simon Thu, 27 Jul 2017 09:51:48 +0000 I am not sure about this post… I mean I agree with many of the points that western women are turning into self absorbed angry feminists who demand the whole world but at the end of the day I came here to learn how to get laid by gorgeous women and the article seems to be more about finding the perfect marriage and the most difficult women to game? It also claims that pickup does not work on on these women, thought I read this is suppose to work on most? Then whats the point of learning any of this if they claim it doesn’t work on most women…Also from experience I find that many of these good girls you talk about are terribly boring and lacking from experience in the bedroom making one big part of this perfect marriage not so great already.

By: Robert Taylor Jr. Wed, 26 Jul 2017 22:00:17 +0000 Well, I tend to agree. Having lived and traveled all over Western Europe for twenty years as a journalist. I find eastern women much more traditional. But I have found after marrying an Austrian national. Having three children with her. That it only took a few years before she was corrupted by the West. She ended up cheating and filing for divorce after ten years and a month. After I paid for her university education. Maybe I am just unlucky. Or maybe the feminist movement her in Northern California was to suductive. Being concidered a long term marriage. 10 years or longer. She is entitled to half of my assets. So now I will pay her 9 thousand a month for the rest of my life. Or until she remarried. Which I have heard that she was advised against doing. So a cautionary tale. Even a prenuptual agreement did not save me from this theft. As it was thrown out. Because she lied and said she did not know what she was signing. ( Thank you Barry Bonds). People are people, never underestimate another’s greed and selfishness!

By: Bill Wed, 26 Jul 2017 09:24:03 +0000 Hello,
I couldn’t agree with you more. I am in kiev, Ukraine right now, for the third year in a row, seeing a beautiful girl with whom I am building a serious relationship.
After being married to an American girl and dating several, I am done.
Your points are dead on!
In that last 10 years, I have dated Russian and Ukrainian girls exclusively and I couldn’t be happier. Now, I believe that I have found the one, and I encourage anyone who is for up with the head games and frustrations of dealing with American women to take the chance, see the world, and meet women from other cultures. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
This is only my opinion, but based on my personal experiences traveling the world and meeting people.
As an observation, most eastern European girls are looking for a western man, because they are fed up with eastern European men who treat them poorly. They want a good and honest man who knows how to treat them well.
Again, I knows opinions are worth very little, but I hope my experience sheds a little light on the subject for you.
Best of luck to anyone who may be looking for a foreign woman.

By: David Lee Wed, 26 Jul 2017 02:48:13 +0000 I agree 100% with this article. American culture brainwashes women into thinking they should date and marry a certain type of guy such as tall dark and handsome or rich and famous. For most of them you can display attractive qualities such as confidence, passion, leadership skills and they would think so what his skin is the wrong color or he’s not tall enough, he’s not rich enough. I have dated Russian and Ukrainian women for many years so I can say this article is spot on.

By: Ira Eisenstein Tue, 25 Jul 2017 21:20:29 +0000 In reply to REY.

I have been investigating moving to Costa Rica or Ecuador, and from what I hear, if you want open, friendly, people (men or women), those are good places. Those countries are politically stable, and have a good standard of living, so you’re not going to get someone looking for a lifeline to rescue them from poverty or strife.
They may not quite be the “dress beautifully”, or knockout looks types that Eastern European women may be, (or many may be like that, but they are supposed to be approachable, family values, down-to-earth, friendly people. You just have to learn Spanish. That’s not the end of the world.
