Comments on: How To Spot A Gold Digger In 7 Ways Mastery With Women and Dating Mon, 14 Dec 2020 05:41:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dice PUA Sun, 26 Jun 2016 09:41:39 +0000 This article needs to be updated I’m going to point out a lot of things…

1.Watch over her for her voice tonality:A bitchy voice tonality indicates superiority and that I want to be spoilt by you it creates attention to show value.Also,if she says I have no competition,or pretends that a girl on the street is staring at her in a mean way and she’ll complain about it..well it’s not a good sign..

2.Gold diggers are mostly never spoiled by their parents,they’re parents were usually greedy on them and thus they never experienced a quality life and think that my boyfriend will take place of daddy.

3.If she calls her boyfriend the word daddy expect her to be a gold digger.No Girl/Women should call someone daddy in public…

4.They sometimes pay partially for they’re dates they’re not that stupid,I was once with a gold digger and she paid for her own coffee after I showed a bit of dominance this leads us to the other point..

5.They mostly go for the orbiter who’s usually “Mr Nice Guy” he’s an easy target because all he does is treat her like a Cinderella..he is weak in terms of the control factor

6.She will somehow confess it.For example,the gold digger that I was talking with eventually told me about her future plans and it involves divorcing for money.

7.If she’s wearing expensive brand clothes try to check/smell if she wears any perfume on,if she doesn’t it’s either a rental or something shell wear and return the next day.

8.Her family : she will try her best to make her family somewhat of high value you will notice her telling stories that doesn’t make sense just to match up to your standards in terms of displaying value.

9.Her friends: If she’s around her friends who dress up all fancy on instagram/Facebook you If you notice that she tends to hang more with those expect that she’s a gold digger? Why? Her friends provide her with everything that she needs to show value,they will influence her behaviour,they will provide her with everything she needs to put you in the diggers help each other.

10.She will stalk you around:A gold digger plans everything beforehand she will study you before making her move know what your interests social background and all that,they will even shift personality or put they’re friends to stalk you and provide her with feedback.

Good Luck Sarging!

Dice PUA
