Comments on: How To Deal With An Aggressive AMOG (Without Busting His Head Open) Using These AMOG Tactics Mastery With Women and Dating Tue, 08 Dec 2020 06:10:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Arnie Sat, 16 Aug 2014 18:26:57 +0000 Thank you, you piece of shit for showing how to help women get out of a relationship with a loser like you.

So if you want to get laid with a girl you like you should

– approach her.
– if a guy answers your question to her(should you ask her any) you just tap him on his shoulder three times and don’t even look at him, keep looking at the girl
– if he tries to “go Jackie Chan on ” you, teach him a lesson he will never forget.

By: christopher Wed, 20 Nov 2013 01:29:32 +0000 I’m dealing with an amog well 2 of them one is a slick motherfucker people ask her questions he answers them the second one seems as a wing man cocky mf but really stupid I want these guys gone she just met them and they are now bestfriends, what do I do?

By: Rowin Mon, 18 Mar 2013 23:55:57 +0000 In reply to Lion.

Hey Dude,
Method #1 would work for you. Dealing with idiot drunk guys is to lead your girl away instead of talking and being aggressive.

By: Lion Wed, 06 Feb 2013 13:11:50 +0000 I have a question regarding this. I was just beginning with pick-up after a long-term relationship having such a situation: After a first date I was invited by a stunning hot lady to join her and her friends in a bar. Being around her maybe 10 minutes an idiot approached her offensively and offered her a drink. She refused. He approached closer, touching her and speaking to her. I interfered by “Hey dude, she is not interested. Let it go.” He ignored me and continued even tougher. I pulled him back from her on his shoulders telling him to stop. He turned to me angrily and a friend of him supported him, too. As I was alone the situation was heating and getting dangerous. I explained how impolite he was behaving. I was asked if I was the boyfriend of her and I lied to de-escalated the situation. They asked her, too, and I she confirmed. They left. I excused immediately to having lied. The lady left to bathroom looking a bit terrified. When she returned I asked if she is okay. She looked at me surprised and was pretending that nothing special has happened. I meant “Well, for me it was not usual. Might be that you have to get use to that being around with someone like you.” The evening continued with few progress. Some days later she wrote me that she still has troubles with his ex-boyfriend and don’t want to have a new relationship. I was always wondering if my behavior with the AMOG was the killer or something else. What’s your opinion regarding my behavior? Thanks!

By: jack london Sat, 02 Feb 2013 16:25:59 +0000 Nice tips! Only thing is, where I’m from anyway, it would never be a good idea to turn your back on an AMOG, especially in a drunken situation, cold shoulder maybe, but shut them off fully, and you’re asking to get sucker punched and KO’d, if the guy is a pussy then go for it. But, if he’s bigger than you, this can easily escalate the situation. Be careful out there, no girl is worth getting stomped on, unless she is exclusively, YOUR GIRL of course!

By: ziko Sat, 02 Feb 2013 08:12:21 +0000 Man, good points, but you totally forgot to mention one of the best AMOG techniques that has worked for me many times. If I remember correctly Tyler Durden (not the fight club one) developed it. When you are in AMOG territory or bar and it is obvious to AMOG that your girl is not really yours (for example, that can be HIS gf) – nothing that you suggested above will work and actually can lead to a fight. What works best is to say hey, hey, hey and raise your both hands up, and say “I’ll give you 100 bucks just take these girls away from me!”
AMOG is totally shocked by such 180 turn and girls lough and understand what is going on.

By: Tim Fri, 01 Feb 2013 22:27:24 +0000 Has anyone ever just said to an AMOG
Excuse me, it’s rude to just butt in on other people’s conversations. Didn’t your parents tell you this? Manners maketh man I’ll talk to you in a bit.

By: Omar Tue, 15 Jan 2013 22:03:37 +0000 I really like the example 7. ;)

By: Marin Wed, 02 Jan 2013 19:50:56 +0000 Hey dude,

I’ve been reading your blog for the last 3 days. I discovered it thanks to a video on youtube where Adams Lyon analysed one of your pick up in a bar.

It’s just sad that there is not more footage of you picking up girls. I think it would be very instructive !

Anyway, great blog – I already learnt tons of things.

By: PUA Training Wed, 26 Dec 2012 13:44:10 +0000 In reply to Josh.

Alpha male of group… a geeky term made up to describe meat heads who try to be “the big man” in any situation.
