Comments on: How To Become A Pick Up Artist… That Actually Gets Laid! Mastery With Women and Dating Wed, 16 Dec 2020 10:34:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Malcolm Wed, 31 Jul 2013 10:58:03 +0000 In reply to Sam.

Cummon!!! Really????? Dude you are missing the point. The point is to make you more confident, and self aware which will inevitably come through the other areas in your life i.e. your health for exmple!! Go out and have fun, girls love that. Can you even mension two or even three characteristics of the girl who you would like to love one day? Dude you need a reality check.

By: Marrey Jack Wed, 02 Jan 2013 14:17:35 +0000 I have a question. I have a lot of David DeAngelo’s materials(DVD’s, CD’s, book) as well as Ross Jeffries materials. Also “End Game” from the attraction institute. I have past experience, was engaged three times but not to women I wanted to be with(ex-fiancee had a nice body but still now what I was looking for). Haven’t had a girlfriend in 4 years, had 2 friends with benefits in that time span. I am 33, out of shape(but working on getting back in shape), will graduate from college in May, and due to bad financial decisions when I was making good money had to move back in with my parents. Any time I decide to talk to women at school, that fucks with my head, it is driving me crazy. I was in the Navy for 8 years and I am going to do whatever it takes to get back in after I graduate and get the hell out of this house. I am finally to the point of talking more or less normal with people at school(not arguing philosophy, debating endlessly about religion, not spewing all of my dirty laundry to everyone) which was due to how my adopted father mentally abused me growing up(he has agoraphobia and he is a moron), and religious/cult indoctrination. I have worked so god damned hard to fix my mind, and now my behavior is more or less normal according to reactions of my classmates. Where am I with this in your opinion? Do I have a few things just from what I have said that I must deal with before staring to learn how to pick up on women(debt for instance)?

By: Marrey Jack Wed, 02 Jan 2013 13:51:28 +0000 Thanks for the encouragement, I am going through ridding myself of video games. The hardest issue that I have had is just choosing to pursue this path. Religion(in all forms whether theistic or atheistic) always fucked me up, but I am free of all of them. Always leave it to some asshole know it all who has THE one and only answer to get me “the one” when I am way too smart for that, never did sit right with me. I have fought so long for my freedom, and now for 2013, I vow to myself and on this website to actually learn the game(not in a creepy way, but in a natural way that actually works), and truly become the man I want to be. No more “causes”, or trying to go and save the world, or trying to overthrow religion(by following someone like Richard Dawkins), I have a life to live and I have women to lay!

By: PUA Training Mon, 10 Dec 2012 20:03:06 +0000 In reply to Morgan PUA Training Italy.

Thanks dude!

By: Morgan PUA Training Italy Mon, 10 Dec 2012 15:25:18 +0000 This IS – a – GREAT – ARTICLE !!!

Everyone should save it and print it on their bedposts.

Especially the beginning which finally throws some lights on the shadows behind the blogs (where I myself some years ago took part – with the result of getting only worse)

In our bootcamps I always begin with the story that: idolising people who are on the other side of the world and having no idea about European women is a big mistake of MACRO Calibration (R).
Best is to understand the local operational environment and act accordingly.
This is the reason why those “big mouths” never show up in countries like Spain or Italy: they would lose.

Understanding the logic behind the practice, the no alchool policy, the no lame lines and bullshit endless discussions: this will make you better!

This is a good post !

Morgan – PUA training Italia

By: PUA Training Mon, 26 Nov 2012 17:01:31 +0000 In reply to Sam.

These tips aren’t directed at falling for that one girl dude, these are just for fooling around.

By: Sam Sat, 24 Nov 2012 15:48:03 +0000 What is the whole point of picking up women like this i just want to meet someone i can love and who loves me back dude. You can’t just sleep around, what if you end up getting lots of chicks pregnant and they all decide to keep the babies i don’t know about you guys but us dudes aren’t that great at babysitting and 1 baby’s tough enough let alone 5-100.
Sites like these make women hate us guys in the first place and that just makes love difficult and bitchy!!
I agree with all of your points but i don’t think it sounds like a good idea.

By: Austin Thu, 15 Nov 2012 21:23:49 +0000 I found this article quite humorous, but first: A lot of what you said is true. You actually don’t need to worry too much about theory and should just keep it practical.
But on the downside you make it sound as if being a geek is exclusive to picking up woman? Your site is quite popular is stereotyping like this is not a good habbit.
My three points would be as follow
*Be charismatic and engaging (Difficult if you aren’t naturally inclined)
*Get into good shape

By: Sluggler Fri, 07 Sep 2012 10:17:39 +0000 VERY true. This is a must read for all newbies. I see and come across a lot of guys who think more on theory like playing a video game. “If i mash the B button, then the player will jump.” “If i press the A button the player will punch.” No, no, no, REAL game doesn’t work this way. Eventually they realize this after a few brutal rejections and not getting laid. Now i will say this, when first entering the game guys are so anxious about this new lifestyle of sex, and women they get caught up in playing it like a video game.

Very good post!

By: PUA Training Mon, 03 Sep 2012 21:06:08 +0000 In reply to Dude.

You’re right “dude” I totally agree.
