Comments on: How To Annihilate A Girls “Bitch Shield” And Make Her Want You Mastery With Women and Dating Wed, 04 Aug 2021 08:57:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Chambers Tue, 04 Apr 2017 15:52:29 +0000 In reply to Nancy Toney.

Let me take you home to meet my parents. I am sure that they would love to meet you. My only hope is that you don’t get someone that beats the fuck out of you. Too say the least. I’m sure you will look great on a coroners slab.

By: Parker Fri, 03 Feb 2017 20:18:14 +0000 This is the most ridiculous article I’ve ever seen. This is far from anything you do to get past the so called “bitch shield” to get her to like you. This just simply pisses her off. To beat a bitch you have to be cunning, more dominating, an alpha so that she can find respect in you because a bitch girl wants an ideal alpha, plain and simple.

By: DJ Fri, 03 Feb 2017 09:30:17 +0000 Nancy, I have seen girls way bitchier than you, and you are nothing compared to them.

By: carl Mon, 02 Jan 2017 00:48:04 +0000 In reply to Nancy Toney.

Your a scared little childish cunt! Go lock yourself in a closet till your bleeding cramps stop…

By: Jeff Fri, 09 Dec 2016 18:20:25 +0000 The sparrow flies south for the winter.

By: armando williams Mon, 05 Dec 2016 16:09:09 +0000 In reply to Gorgonzola.

I knew this one bitch that manipulated a lot of men. She is pretty but she is getting fatter and fatter and fatter. I called her fat and she got super duper angry. I found her weakness. She was so manipulative and evil that I kept saying the fat joke until she wanted to commit suicide. I didn’t feel bad about it because she destroyed a lot of nice guys emotionally.

By: Don Wed, 12 Oct 2016 23:23:06 +0000 For the defensive bitch shield, what’s a tactic to move on without losing face?

By: Nancy Toney Sun, 02 Oct 2016 09:40:12 +0000 In reply to Gorgonzola.

She’s playing you.

She’s just making you think you have the upper hand. Once you stop giving her whatever it is she’s looking for she won’t have any use for you. I have no idea what this woman is wanting from you, but she’s playing along in order to get it. The whole thing reeks of her playing YOU and your “feelings” to cause a reaction. Her reaction, regardless, is just to fuel the reaction you initially gave. She’s just making you think you won. Likely she’s got other “options” on the burners.

By: Nancy Toney Sun, 02 Oct 2016 09:32:59 +0000 I’m a bitch. If i want to be nice to you, I will. If I want to play with you, I will. If I think you are a worm and I want to treat you as such, I will. If I want to get something from you, I will, and if I don’t get it I’ll stop trying pretty quickly and move on to the next victim.

There’s no punching through my shield. I always say “Don’t confuse my niceness for weakness, I will rip you up and make a necklace out of your balls.”

By: Nick Zalan Sun, 02 Nov 2014 02:47:04 +0000 HAHAHA!!! this is the best article ive read so far and im 14! there is the bitchiest girl i’ve met in my grade and this is going to destroy her. im in shop class and she asks me to stop whistling. half of the other girls whisper i can continue whistling. i’ve been submitting to her for years. in doing so i’ve become predictable. now with this its going to be like i threw her in a lake in january. is there anything in particular i should say because she says stuff like nobody asked your opinion twerp or move, watch it. she even taped her name to a chair because a friend of mine sat in it. not to mention if you get caught sitting in ”her” chair your going to end up on the floor. i’ve seen other articles and they often say that the girl may be insecure and you just need to ignore her. this is waaayy better. in my eyes now she seems like a grumpy little girl throwing a temper tantrum. in reality she’s an insecure brat that has to put down others to make her feel good about herself. this is a lifesaver thank you!
