Comments on: Review: Is Chaturbate safe? Read This Entire Review First… Mastery With Women and Dating Fri, 22 Mar 2024 12:17:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: OttDaddy83 Fri, 22 Mar 2024 12:17:01 +0000 In reply to Tim Collins.

A necessary evil just like with any company and just like in your daily life I find it to be a mixture of elements. Good, bad and ugly. Has some amazing models and characters. Also has really really ratchet ones. Also has models who probably shouldn’t be on the site because of age or motive. However their interface is pretty good. Their page s load and connect the fastest. The oy problem is will it be desert or disaster. Will it be a decent human with a cute personality or a salty seasoned sex worker who has been rode hard and hung up wet and like 80 percent of the sex workers on Aroura Blvd in Seattle has hang ups and issues with sex ? I’ve been frequenting this site for 12 years. I would honestly say if you can stay away. Mainly because of the cyber terror elements and organized crime. It’s there just like on every street in every corner of the world. Be safe irregardless. Remember there is good and bad in everything from Columbia to Texas you’ll find everything there and in between. Remember only One is perfect. And by Him in Whom the primordial origin is due NEVER give out your number or email in public or private. Never forget to Logout never EVER FORGET. Peace to all the Suns and Daughters of Adam.

By: PUA Training Thu, 21 Nov 2019 08:48:37 +0000 In reply to Tim Collins.

That sounds like a technical issue with whatever device you’re using. I’ve never had any issues with them in the years I’ve been using it.

By: Tim Collins Sun, 05 Mar 2017 02:09:05 +0000 Cams freeze up. Wasted a ton of money for nothing. You go to this site? All you end up doing is refreshing and missing out.
