Comments on: 10 Things Your Girlfriend Needs To Hear You Say Mastery With Women and Dating Sat, 05 Dec 2020 09:10:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mike Wed, 11 Sep 2013 14:44:58 +0000 I think as long as the above is said genuinely and not over used then yes – you’re right. So many guys are completely out of touch with their emotions.

By: John Sat, 17 Aug 2013 12:23:54 +0000 In reply to Socialkenny PUA.

i get what you’re saying here, but he’s not advocating saying I love you as a throwaway comment, quite the opposite – “… don’t overuse it. This line holds a lot of weight and should be used when you feel overwhelmed with feelings for her.”

Basically, just don’t be fake in anything you do

By: John Sat, 17 Aug 2013 12:21:03 +0000 Good one Rich, I like your posts as they’re just down-to-earth and honest, and about people as people, not like the others that treat it all too much like a game.

thanks bruv, I’m looking forward to more

By: Socialkenny PUA Tue, 13 Aug 2013 12:53:09 +0000 Lots of points worthy of being commented on in this article, however the first stuck out the most. I’ve been in an LTR of 4 years now (although I still pick up chicks), I rarely use the l word. Saying all this to say that you don’t have to overdue it on the L word. Use it once in a blue. I’ve probably only used it 4 times in 4 years. Reason being why so sparingly is that as you eluded to Gambler, chicks can sense bullshit. For a guy to be telling his GF every day that he loves her, there will come a point where she sees through the fakeness of it all. One doesn’t need to declare love on a constant basis IMO.

I’d like your take on what I said in this comment.
