Comments on: The 10 Habits Of Highly Successful Seducers… That You Need To Adopt Mastery With Women and Dating Tue, 15 Dec 2020 05:43:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: bruno Fri, 20 Dec 2013 22:58:29 +0000 persistence is the only sure fire way to get a girl (just dont be annoying/abusive) everything else is a bonus to me Ive seen guys with no charm but keep persistent with a girl (in a non annoying/abusive way) and got them in 1,2,3..5 months (150 days) even. It isnt bad if you had 10 targets thats like every 15 days if you divided the figure above.

By: michael Mon, 28 Oct 2013 11:35:21 +0000 @Steve I also think unhinged is not a good word to use here but i reckon he means unattatched or unhinged to what kinda games may be being played on you like detatched and cool but yea seems ambiguous but i think overall this is a brilliant article which has helped me tremendously so thanks PUA training guys.

By: Ralph Mon, 08 Jul 2013 08:36:11 +0000 Hey Gambler! I suck in making conversations going and interesting. How do I suppose to work on that?

By: PUA Training Mon, 04 Feb 2013 05:15:53 +0000 In reply to Troy b..


By: Steve Sat, 02 Feb 2013 01:13:24 +0000 “The ability to stay calm, confident and unhinged.”
Better fix that Rich – unhinged means deranged,

By: Troy b. Fri, 01 Feb 2013 22:58:03 +0000 I’m 41 yrs old, will this work on my age group?

By: Dustin Fri, 01 Feb 2013 20:46:36 +0000 Some good some bad… I guess it depends on what you’re after. Persistence is the best way to:

1) show that you’re a douche that only wants to screw
2) train this girl to be even more difficult for the next guy
3) because now she’s mad that you screwed her and disappeared, and you were such a pushy ass about it

If you only want to screw, well, you’re a douche. the best way to get laid is to be someone that women want to have sex with, so you don’t have to be persistent. Women are far more influenced by the physical than men, don’t be fooled. On average, women have sex with orders of magnitude more partners than men on average. this means a large number of women hare having sex with the same small group of guys. Now, this isn’t mean to be a rant on women. It’s just a fact. Women like having sex, a lot. And they do it a lot. Several times a day, with different guys. You don’t have to talk them into it. They want to screw every waking minute of the day. Their whole life revolves around sex. Women wear mini-skits, high-heels, wonder bras, makeup; all to be sexually appealing. their world revolves around their sex appeal. All you have to do is NOT be on the list of things they don’t like. Patience is THE MOST important virtue you can have. It helps everything. It helps you learn, it helps her develop her own rapport. All she really needs is to know that you exist, and have a favorable thought about you. Sex is much better when she’s asking you for it, than you managing to get in her ASAP. Her mind won’t be in it, she’ll be thinking of all the things that make her uncomfortable, if she really wants to be doing this, etc. Sex with you, as she will rate it, won’t be that great. Sex is good for her when it’s her idea and she’s banging down your door to get you. And she’ll remember that it was good. It isn’t meant to be an insult to women, I really feel sorry for most of them. Estrogen is a powerful chemical. Unlike men, women are encouraged to give in to their hormones, while men are insulted for being men. The easiest and best way to push her buttons, is to let her push her own buttons for you. Be the one who says no every now and then. Be the one who brings it up, but says it’s not time. You’re sexual, but you’re not a douche bag. Let her know you think of her that way, but don’t be focused on it. Bring sexual topics up in a round-about way, as a tangent to a different discussion. Then get back to another subject. Tease her with it and don’t be afraid of it. Just like physically, women warm up slower. That’s a false stereotype, too. Once you adapt this approach, you’ll find you are more fulfilled, and that you perform better. You’ll understand more of how they work, and naturally get better, because you’ll be able to relate. It isn’t a male or female concept, it’s human. It’s deeper. an even if it’s not forever, you’ll both appreciate it and enjoy it, and come back for more.

By: Jt Fri, 01 Feb 2013 20:09:44 +0000 Are there any good techniques you can use to move between girls (say in a club). I’ve been in situations before where I’ve closed with a girl, but seen a more attractive girl I wanted to go for. Is there a way you can keep the other girl as back up?

By: PUA Training Mon, 18 Jun 2012 13:37:20 +0000 In reply to Alexbaggio.

In the beginning when you’re refining your skills, yes. Otherwise you’ll be placing girls on pedestals and not approaching anything because you’re way to scared. Approaching a girl that you’re not that attracted too can ease your nerves. Straight after that interaction, you’ll then be able to approach a better look girl without being so nervous. They are called throw away sets in the community, for the sole purpose on growing some balls.

By: Alexbaggio Sat, 16 Jun 2012 08:08:43 +0000 Are u saying u should approach the people who u don’t find that attractive. Who u don’t think should be your girl friend. And who u really dont wanna hang out with.
